Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand Zurich Chess Challenge (Blitz) 2014
4 minutes plus 2 seconds added on each move.
Magnus opens with 1.Nf3 burns a tempo (2.b3) to get into a Budapest Reversed.
1. Nf3 {If 1.b3 is your thing then this move order may suit you.} 1... d5 2. b3 {You sneak in b3 without facing the mainline 1...e5.} 2... c5 3. e4 {A Budapest reversed. One can argue the tempo burned by Carlsen is saved because the d-pawn does not move throughout the whole game..} 3... dxe4 4. Ng5 Nf6 5. Nc3 {So if we unreverse the colours and ignore the pawn on b3 the Budapest theory here is 5...Bg4 6.Be2 Bf5. Vishy appears not to realise it's a Budapest.} 5... Nc6 6. Bc4 {That is why Bg4 and Bf5 is the top move in the Budapest mainline. Because now.....} 6... e6 {The c8 Bishop is undeveloped and blocked in.} 7. Bb2 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. Ncxe4 Nxe4 10. Nxe4 {White has got his Budpaest pawn back and the Black King is looking rather naked without a f6 Knight.} 10... e5 {Blocks the b2 Bishop, gets the c8 Bishop into the game, secures d4 for the c6 Knight. Good blitz thinking.} 11. f4 {Obvious and possibly highling Black's last move as a Blitz error. It allows White to build up a very good position which is in return is very difficult to defend, especisally at blitz.} 11... exf4 12. Qh5 {Tickling the c5 pawn and big hits on f7 and h7. I bet Annad was thinking .'Oh for a Knight on f6.' "A horse...a blitz game for a horse."} 12... Nd4 {Black must keep the b2 Bishop out of the game.} 13. Rxf4 g6 14. Qe5 {Played with complete confidence. The Queen often in such a positions can suddenly find herself very short of squares. She is OK here just as long as that f-pawn stays pinned.} 14... b6 {Anand holds the c5 pawn and is ready to meet....} 15. Raf1 {...with.....} 15... Bf5 16. g4 {But Carlsen's attack on f7 will not be stopped.} 16... Be6 17. Bxe6 fxe6 18. Rxf8+ Bxf8 19. Nf6+ {And that's it. The Black King has to walk into a discovered check.} 19... Kh8 {Carlsen now played 20.c3 Nc6 21.Ne8+ and with mate coming with 21...Kg8 22.Qxe6 or 21....Nxd5 22.Rxf8 mate Annand resigned. A good wrap up but better was....} 20. Ne8+ Kg8 21. Qh8+ Kxh8 22. Rxf8# {And by finishing the game thus it will one day appear in print as this is what actually happened and we will have another chess mystery on our hands for Edward Winter's grandchildren to solve.}