Before this game Russian topless protestors FEMEN were planing a performance before the game.
One of them was practicing Naked opening in her room, and I was disguised as her masseur--->>>
For the journalists, they at first appeared dressed:
But my camera got dissed and wet after they showed their mandarine-like teets.
Carlsen was very thirsty (left) and commentator was both boring and so wrong (right):
And, now, the game itself::
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 {It is known fact that Colle-Koltanovsky system is designed for boarding school sissies and gay teachers. It is one of those openings who are only adopted by deranged personalities, like Berline Defense in Spanish, Dutch Stonewall etc. I have alwas known that something's wrong with Carlsen.} e6 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 {This is something different, though. Classical Colle's system recommends Nbd2 and c3 and either Pilsburry's method with Ne5 and f4 and Rf3 or advancing Pawn e4.} Be7 6.O-O O-O 7.Bb2 b6
8.dxc5 {This move transforms position into open games, something tha resembles French after 3. ...dxe4. The problem for White is, that Black has very lively dance of his light pieces, and White has no chances to attack on King's flank.} Bxc5 9.Nbd2 Bb7 10.Qe2 Nbd7 11.c4 dxc4 12.Nxc4 Qe7
13.a3 a5 {Fascinating: now they found themselves into Deffered Tarrasch Defense, as they keep entering Narnia's closets all the time! The slight difference her is position of e-Pawns, they are on e3 and 36 respectively.} 14.Nd4 {Knight wants field b5.} Rfd8 15.Rfd1 Rac8 16.Rac1 Nf8 17.Qe1 Ng6
18.Bf1 {Karpov wins his games only if in one moment all his pieces ar behind 3rd raw! Carlsen is trying to do the same woo doo magic.} Ng4 19.Nb5 Bc6 20.a4 {!! Take it if you dare! Take to capture my Pawn on b5 later!} Bd5 {Karjakin chickened out.} 21.Bd4 Bxc4 22.Rxc4 Bxd4
23.Rdxd4 Rxc4 24.bxc4 Nf6 25.Qd2 Rb8 26.g3 Ne5 27.Bg2 h6 28.f4
Ned7 {Dead draw position. But, here are the humans who are playing!} 29.Na7 Qa3 30.Nc6 Rf8 31.h3 Nc5 32.Kh2 Nxa4 33.Rd8 g6 {Bpth players are in zeitnod.}
34.Qd4 Kg7 35.c5 {35. Ne5 was drawish, I thought Carlsen must have calculated something here what no one else saw!} Rxd8 {! simple refuting the trap!} 36.Nxd8 Nxc5 37.Qd6 Qd3 {?? 37. ...Qa4 was winning immediatelly. Now Carlsen got chance to get away with his cheap coffee shop blitz trick!} 38.Nxe6+ fxe6
39.Qe7+ Kg8 40.Qxf6 a4 41.e4 {Now they are in draw low water, and time control was survived by both.} Qd7 42.Qxg6+ Qg7 43.Qe8+ Qf8
44.Qc6 Qd8 45.f5 a3 46.fxe6 Kg7 47.e7 Qxe7 48.Qxb6 Nd3 49.Qa5
Qc5 50.Qa6 {Black can't escape perpetual check if he wishes to support his "dangerous" Pawn with his Queen.} Ne5 51.Qe6 {?? 51. Qb7 with further checks or 51. Qe6 was enogh for draw!} h5 {Unbelievable simple and difficult t find over board.} 52.h4 a2