Originally posted by Korchi'm currently playing a game on this site where I played the immediate Bg6 and white played Be3 and i went with e6...
Black need to play 4...Be4 first to make white move 5.f3 which weakens whites position and only then 5...Bg6
thinking that if white takes, i am not so bad with an open rook file...
i'm not an expert on the opening...
but so far, i've had success with it
anyway, what am i supposed to do after Be4, f3, and Bg6?
Originally posted by rubberjaw30After 5...Bg6 you must plan 6...h5 to make his k-side pawn structure weaker.
i'm currently playing a game on this site where I played the immediate Bg6 and white played Be3 and i went with e6...
thinking that if white takes, i am not so bad with an open rook file...
i'm not an expert on the opening...
but so far, i've had success with it
anyway, what am i supposed to do after Be4, f3, and Bg6?
Anyway - I would suggest you to check in database for games in this line.
Originally posted by Korchi like Nf3 as white...
4.Nc3 is good move, but also 4.h4 and 4.Nf3 are not bad choice. It depends of your style - what kind of positions you like more.
but that's just because i adore the Be2 Be3 set up...
anyway, with regard to the guy just before the last post, what is black supposed to do after Nc3 if not e6?
Originally posted by rubberjaw30There is nothing wrong with 4...e6, but black can play 4..Qb6 too. But in both lines black need to know theory for not getting bad position.
i like Nf3 as white...
but that's just because i adore the Be2 Be3 set up...
anyway, with regard to the guy just before the last post, what is black supposed to do after Nc3 if not e6?
1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. e5 Bf5
4. g4 ???
So far so good
4. ... Be4
5. f3 Bg6 Is better than the inmediate Bg6
6. e6! fxe6
And black can't develop his pieces anymore. I had some bad experiences with this, so now I play instantly 4. g4 Bd7
I know, that's a tempo you lose, but the pawn looks silly on g4 now
Originally posted by timpePosition after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.g4 Be4 5.f3 Bg6 6.e6 fxe6 is playable for black. For example 7.Bd3 Bxd3 8.Qxd3 Qc7 with idea of e5.
1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. e5 Bf5
4. g4 ???
So far so good
4. ... Be4
5. f3 Bg6 Is better than the inmediate Bg6
6. e6! fxe6
And black can't develop his pieces anymore. I had some bad experiences with this, so now I play instantly 4. g4 Bd7
I know, that's a tempo you lose, but the pawn looks silly on g4 now
Also black can play 6...Qd6 (instead of 6....fxe6) and their position is playable too.
Moving on e6 is dangerous after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4 h6?! (4...h5 is better) 5.g4 and black need to play 5...Bd7, because if 5...Bg6? then 6.e6! is giving large advantage for white (because of black weakness of g6).
Originally posted by rubberjaw30BCO considers 4...Be4 the best move. In his excellent book "Black Opening Repertoire for the Rest of Your Chess Career", GM Andrew Soltis recommends 4...Bd7, to be followed up by ...c5 or ...h5.
1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. e5 Bf5
4. g4 ???
does black play Be4 here with f3 nd Bg6 to follow? or the immediate Bg6?why, please?