In game number 14058844 my opponent castled when there was a field attacked by my bishop between his king and rook.
Is there something i missed, thought this was not allowed? Game 14058844
It happens in the seventh set of moves.
@flor66 saidas long as the king does not pass through an attacked square
In game number 14058844 my opponent castled when there was a field attacked by my bishop between his king and rook.
Is there something i missed, thought this was not allowed? Game 14058844
it's ok
Yes, i agree. But in this case the king passed b1 which was attacked by my bishop.????
@flor66 saidthe king never passed through b1
Yes, i agree. But in this case the king passed b1 which was attacked by my bishop.????
@flor66 saidThe king came to rest on C1. How did it pass B1?
Yes, i agree. But in this case the king passed b1 which was attacked by my bishop.????
"The rook may move through an attacked square, provided the king does not. (The only time this can happen is when castling queenside and the only such square is the one adjacent to the rook.)" -- Wikipedia
24 Nov 20
@greenpawn34 saidWow, the names on that thread are a blast from the past! That alone was worth the price of admission!
Thread 121356