Ch4. 8pm Friday 19 August, 'The Hobbyman'
I thought I'd only have a bit part at the start but unknown to me I
was asked to sum up on the 2nd day (hopefully they cut that bit out.)
I was a real mess, hungover, not shaved, wearing sloppy clothes,
(I think I may not have had my teeth in, I cannot remember.) and I
just gibbered the first thing that came into my mind.
I was only there on day two to record the moves, and I even managed to screw that up.
I fear I may have undone all the good publicity 'Queens Gambit' did
and knocked chess back to dark ages. Good fun though.
@greenpawn34 saidI fear I may have undone all the good publicity 'Queens Gambit' did
Ch4. 8pm Friday 19 August, 'The Hobbyman'
I thought I'd only have a bit part at the start but unknown to me I
was asked to sum up on the 2nd day (hopefully they cut that bit out.)
I was a real mess, hungover, not shaved, wearing sloppy clothes,
(I think I may not have had my teeth in, I cannot remember.) and I
just gibbered the first thing that came into my min ...[text shortened]... e all the good publicity 'Queens Gambit' did
and knocked chess back to dark ages. Good fun though.
Don't worry about it. I'm sure your presentation was better than you think. As far as The Queens Gambit goes IMHO - There will never be another chess movie as good, the fact that the main character was the perfect balance of piercing intellect and visual female perfection made a great story even better! 😏
@russ saidChannel 4, so better not. They're notoriously eager to issue take-downs, not just of videos, but of entire channels. Auntie is much more relaxed about such things if you don't over-do it.
I'll be watching. Highlights to YouTube perhaps?
I;ve still not watched 'Queens Gambit, I got into a spot of bother about my joke about it...
Blog Post 475
..from another site but nothing I could not handle. Apparently she is everyone;s darling.
My job was to welcome them to the Edinburgh Club, introduce them to their trainers,
I ducked out of being one of them. Keith Ruxton and Andrew Green were marvellous.
They had another person training them, do not know who it was.
And that was it. Had no idea about the me doing summing it.
Good. I had a about 5 seconds.
I was with the crew for three days but hit the cutting room floor.
I really am relieved as I was being nerdy....all I needed was a facefull of plukes.
My red plastic chess clock was on the screen longer than me!
I would have liked more on the club. The chess could not compete with the beer.brewing.
I enjoyed the bit when you opened the door! Brutal cuts from 3 days effort.
No doubt you were wearing an RHP T and sipping coffee from an RHP mug in all the cut footage??? 🙂
(I'm pleased the chess segment was first though. I didn't have to sit through bird watching.)
@greenpawn34 saidNow I REALLY want to see the outtakes! 😀
Me opening the door took 3 takes as I kept looking at the camera.