"Igors Rausis, 58, was known in the chess world for having climbed the rankings in the past six years, something unusual for a sport typically dominated by younger players. The Czech champ’s meteoric rise excited many fans of the sport, who found themselves shocked on Thursday when Rausis was caught cheating.
During a tournament in Strasbourg, France, someone took a picture, obtained by The Telegraph, of what looked like Rausis sitting on the toilet, fully clothed, using his phone during the competition.
The picture rocked the competitive chess word, which prides itself as a “gentleman’s sport.”
The World Chess Federation (FIDE) told NBC News via email there was an “incident” in Strasbourg and “a player has signed a letter admitting his wrongdoing,” but wouldn’t further comment on specifics of what happened.
No matter, Rausis, who NBC News could not reach for comment, came clean to Chess.com, saying, “I simply lost my mind.”
“I confirmed the fact of using my phone during the game by written [statement].” he said, adding, “What could I say more?”
Rausis later told the The Times of London he was using a chess software on his phone in the bathroom."
( as reported by nbc news/wall street journal )
Green pawn said this a couple of day's ago with a link. Have to say OK a competition, not matter how weak or strong undesirables how resolute to this need to be persecuted with extreme prejudice - banned from everywhere for life right down to club level. Did anyone read the follow up on what David Howell said after the Olympiad? They have enough on their plate dealing with the situation to have an opponent stooping to that. Devices should be banned from the arena altogether. Fancy taping to his leg!! What did he think this was a ropy card game. People get chopped up into 8 bin bags for that kind of behavior.. Utter T***t.