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Chess lesson #3

Chess lesson #3

Only Chess

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Sometimes the fools are the best!

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Originally posted by Santa Drummer

Sometimes the fools are the best!
Apparently, Black is not into developing his pieces.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Apparently, Black is not into developing his pieces.
But white has a very cheeky mate!

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the solution shines like a sun.

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Originally posted by Jusuh
the solution shines like a sun.
Well I dont see a message with the solution from you!

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This isn't a chess lesson. This is a chess puzzle.

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How many moves to mate ?

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First your suppose to write white to move. Anyways here is the solution.

Qg6! Rg8 Qxh7+ Rh3#

or Qg6 hxg6 Rh3 mate

or Qg6 fxg6 Ng6+ hxg6 Rh3 mate.

Now post the solution to chess lesson 2. Honestly i don't think there is a solution to chess lesson number 2. I think you just made it up!

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Originally posted by Santa Drummer

Sometimes the fools are the best!
This isn't really a good puzzle, because 1.Ng6+ fxg6 2.Qxg6 etc. is also easily decisive. Black was beaten long before the diagram position arose.

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I dont much care for these chess puzzles, especially this one, because you dont know blacks moves obviously. So if this was a real game, most solutioins wouldnt work because black could move to stop them. But on the off chance black decided not to move for about 3 or 4 moves, this solution would do quite well.
1.Take pawn to e6, opening up your queen to more movement without capture
3.Qg7 Your knight is protecting your queen, and black's king obviously cant get away.

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Originally posted by trallphaz
I dont much care for these chess puzzles, especially this one, because you dont know blacks moves obviously. So if this was a real game, most solutioins wouldnt work because black could move to stop them. But on the off chance black decided not to move for about 3 or 4 moves, this solution would do quite well.
1.Take pawn to e6, opening up your queen to m ...[text shortened]... e
3.Qg7 Your knight is protecting your queen, and black's king obviously cant get away.
You obviously don't get the point of a chess puzzle which as ark said is what this is.

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Originally posted by trallphaz
I dont much care for these chess puzzles, especially this one, because you dont know blacks moves obviously. So if this was a real game, most solutioins wouldnt work because black could move to stop them. But on the off chance black decided not to move for about 3 or 4 moves, this solution would do quite well.
1.Take pawn to e6, opening up your queen to m ...[text shortened]... e
3.Qg7 Your knight is protecting your queen, and black's king obviously cant get away.
What are you talking about ? I alreadly posted the solution and its all forced! Where this pawn on e6 your talking about? 2.Qg3??? what?

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on chess puzzles does the opponents pieces move?
i cant help it iive never saw a chess puzzle before

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Yes your opponents pieces move and if you see my solution i clearly included blacks moves as well as white.

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Originally posted by RahimK
Yes your opponents pieces move and if you see my solution i clearly included blacks moves as well as white.
thanks, now i understand why everyone thought i was an idiot. lol

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