Originally posted by RahimKafter 1.Nd6 black has no way to save the rook
I know the solution and I've solved this puzzle at least 8 times but I don't understand what is truly going on. Looks like a puzzles for an expert to me.
White to move:
[fen]3nrrk1/2nb3p/1p5b/p1p1pp2/4N2N/P1PP2PP/1PB4K/4RRB1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
A.1...Bd2 2.Nxe8 Bxe1 3.Nxc7 +-
B.1...Re6 2.Bb3+-
C.1...Re7 2.Ndxf5 Re6 (Re7 Nxh6+ +-) 3.Bb3 +-