players have different ratings between 0(100)-3000.
some of these players may also have different titles associated with their ratings like the following:
gm: 2500+
im: 2400+
fm: 2300+
nsm: 2400+
nm: 2200+
expert: 2000+
class a (top amateur class): 1800-1999
class b(strong tournament player): 1600-1799
class c(average tournament player):1400-1599
class d(strong social player):1200-1399
class e(social player):1000-1199
class f(novice player):800-999
class g (beginnerII/scholastic player): 600-799
class h(beginnerI/scholastic player):400-599
class i(early beginner/scholastic player):200-399
class j:100-199
now my question is where would you place those inside the following other categories such as:
a)beginner intermediate advanced expert
b)very easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard