Wouldn't it be nice to be able to achieve some sort of RHP title on this site (Like USCF E,D, C, B, A, EXPERT rankings) when you achieve particular number of won games or you cross some rating barrier. It would be very motivating try to achieve "RHP expert" or "RHP A class player" titles instead of mere numbers... ?
Every level could have its own symbol or sign...
I think it would be very interesting !
Originally posted by ivan2908Take it to "Site Ideas" spanky!
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to achieve some sort of RHP title on this site (Like USCF E,D, C, B, A, EXPERT rankings) when you achieve particular number of won games or you cross some rating barrier. It would be very motivating try to achieve "RHP expert" or "RHP A class player" titles instead of mere numbers... ?
Every level could have its own symbol or sign...
I think it would be very interesting !
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexPlease note, as a 2000 player you do not have moral right to say you are rubbish. It is a big indirect insult for us else, chessmasters far bellow magic 2000 😛 What are we then ?!?! 😕
Because I am a rubbish chess player when I look at the grand scheme of things and would rather be a big fish in a small pond then a nobody in the big world of international chess.
I think the idea is ok, but why not take it a step further and implement a system like in real OTB chess?
We could have our own Redhotpawn GM's, IM's, FM's etc
They should not get their titles based on rating alone. They should also show the ability to score well against similar rated players - like in the FIDE norm system.
Just an idea...