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Chess Visualisation Training

Chess Visualisation Training

Only Chess

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People were talking in some thread why it would come in handy to know which squares are white and which are black.
If you're interested please check out this site:

It's about Chess Visualisation Training.


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
People were talking in some thread why it would come in handy to know which squares are white and which are black.
If you're interested please check out this site:

It's about Chess Visualisation Training.

I havent read the article, but the way I learnt to do it was playing 10 mins games and after each move id say the colour of the square i just moved a piece to, ie Pawn e4 white, Knight c3 Black. After a week I knew all the squares off by heart.

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Originally posted by Grayeyesofsorrow
I havent read the article, but the way I learnt to do it was playing 10 mins games and after each move id say the colour of the square i just moved a piece to, ie Pawn e4 white, Knight c3 Black. After a week I knew all the squares off by heart.

That's also a great way of learning which square has which colour.
In the link I presented in my previous post there is even much more to learn.

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