[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.12.1"]
[Round "?"]
[White "m00nshine"]
[Black "jorge Mesa"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e2-e4 g7-g6 2. d2-d4 Bf8-g7 3. Nb1-c3 b7-b6 4. Ng1-f3 Bc8-b7 5. g2-g3 d7-d6 6. Bf1-g2 e7-e5 7. d4-d5 c7-c6 8. d5xc6 Nb8xc6 9. a2-a3 Ng8-f6 10. Nc3-b5 Nc6-d4 11. Nb5xd4 e5xd4 12. Nf3xd4 Bb7xe4 13. Bg2xe4 Nf6xe4 14. O-O O-O 15. Rf1-e1 d6-d5 16. f2-f3 Ne4-f6 17. Bc1-g5 Qd8-d6 18. Nd4-b5 Qd6-c5 19. Qd1-d4 Qc5xc2 20. Bg5xf6 Bg7xf6 21. Qd4xf6 Qc2-b3 22. Nb5-d6 Ra8-d8 23. Ra1-c1 d5-d4 24. Qf6xd4 1-0
Ok, a blitz I played.. and yes I know you high level's are probably crying deep inside for the lack of foresight I have, and thinking of how utterly bad this game was played.. but, I'd really appropriate you're comments on this one.
What i cant understand is, why did he resign? The game still looks pretty even to me.