Originally posted by GolubI find playing chess is a "work out" that improves concentration....playing through moves in my head or playing a blindfold game would do more I'm sure but I've yet raise my effort levels this far.
Does anyone work out to improve condition for better concentration in chess? If you do, how much does it "add" to your game?
I like to stand up and walk to the other boards, sometimes to take a look to mine also when it is my opponent turn.
It helps sometimes to be a bit more objective about your game, especially when you come back and sit down...because if you sit all the time and watch the board you might get too focused on some plan/move, going too deep in a line ...willing to play that move and only that, missing another plans, parallel...
Many times I found it is not so usefull to go to deep into a line, better check more lines, even you can not go with all of them so deep, because your opponent will fast move different (not like in your "best" line)...
I usually play one line very deeply, and if I like it i try to stick with it, otherwise I go onto another one. If my opponent makes a move that doesn't fit in my line, i treat it as a minor blunder, and spend 5-15 minutes analyzing some way to take advantage of that move.
I personally find that the best way to keep concentration is to never let your thoughts wander, think on your time and theirs.