Yes, using square d3 for a bishop. I think the key is to make d1 and the adjacent squares unavailable for black. I'd start with 1.Ka6 to give the bishops diagonals on both sides. The black squared bishop mainly holds pins on the pawn to give the white squared bishop and king time to go forward or re-maneuver. The king stays behind the two bishops but closes in. It will (should) end with black not being able to cover the pawn.
Originally posted by Fat LadyYes, but your point of Bd3 is valid too. In the example shown above, black gives square d1 up too easily. Of course that safes a lot of moves.
1. Ka6 was the move I was looking at (honest guv). Nice idea - king gets out the way to give the bishops complete freedom and only moves back in for the kill when the bishops are optimally placed.