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Correspondance Etiquette

Correspondance Etiquette

Only Chess

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I received a message from one of my opponents literally begging me to move more frequently. Our game is set to time out in 7 days. Not once have I come close to that limit. The longest I've gone is 4 days while out of town on business, otherwise I move within a day or so of notification. His main complaint was that this game has been going on 'forever.' It started February 24th. He also brought up the topic of being limited to 6 games instead of 10. (I encouraged him to become a pawn star if that bothers him (doesn't bother me)).
So, in correspondance chess, what is proper etiquette? I have not timed out, nor do I wish to draw or resign this game, but my opponent is losing interest in playing with me because I don't move quickly enough.
If a game is set to time out in 7 days, am I expected to move within 1 day? 2 days? What does that mean for 14 day timeouts?
To make matters worse/more interesting, I'm leaving on Friday for a 5 day trip and I'll be on vacation mode. Not long enough to time out, but I'm sure enough time to frustrate my opponent.

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I'd say if the timeout period is 7 days then it is reasonable to move once a week. If your opponent wanted quicker moves, they should have chosen a shorter timeout.
I'll admit I can get bored of games which only move once a week when I have much more exciting, active games. I also play worse with large gaps between moves.

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You should not feel bad about not moving so often. If your opponent wants to play quicker games then they should state as much, like in the games name (quick players please, etc.) and have shoter time out settings. I am fond of the quick games because of the limits too, but I never complain about an opponent moving slower than I do. Some games go fast and some go slow, but I just have to take them all in stride. The opponent has as much right to move once a week as I do to move thirty times a day. 😉

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1 day time limits would be good.

I sometimes have periods were I need to be at terminal for 12 hours plus (groan), so would have no problem completing a full game with someone in similar position.

Of course I have no complaints being non-pawn member (although I am considering joining quite seriously). I suppose the other draw back to 1 day games would be that by default you would expect them to increase bandwidth usage...oh well..maybe limit to members or combine it with a move limit per day for non-members.

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i dont mind 2 much is my opponent moves slowly and if they get annoyed and send me e-mails telling me 2 move more quickly when i remain under the timeout period i move slower just 2 annoy them 😛

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Put the rules in your profile as I did.🙄

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I agree. If it's a 7 day limit, then you have the right to wait up to 7 days to move.

However, it can be frustrating when you're on the receiving end of a slow player (once, maybe twice per week) when the position is _clearly_ lost, as in this one I'm currently in: http://www.redhotpawn.com/core/playchess.php?gameid=147051.

I'm not saying anything about the player in the game above; I'm just using it as an example to make a point. 🙂

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Originally posted by magnublm
...However, it can be frustrating when you're on the receiving end of a slow player (once, maybe twice per week) when the position is _clearly_ lost, as in this one I'm currently in: http://www.redhotpawn.com/core/playchess.php?gameid=147051.

... 🙂
Yes, that is a lost position. With any luck they won't make you take the next 49 weeks to mate them.

The link for the general public to see your game is:


This link....


can only be seen by you (and opponant?)

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IMHO, it's really bad form to complain about how slow a player is moving if you have both agreed to the time limits. Unfortunately, it seems such complaining is way too common.

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Originally posted by GarnetNBlack
IMHO, it's really bad form to complain about how slow a player is moving if you have both agreed to the time limits. Unfortunately, it seems such complaining is way too common.
I think the complaint is more so how slow some people move when they have already lost the game...

People making up to 15 moves a week, but suddenly they stop moving when they have a semi-forced move like taking a protected pawn with their last Rook... or even when a King has One Possible Move. Suddenly someone takes their time or lets the game time out rather than resigning and saying "good game".


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And like I said, I'm not attacking the player, just what is happening like this too often. Someone makes a move per day through the whole game, then when the position is lost, they slow down to once per week-ish, sometimes continuing to play other games while ignoring ours. Poor form IMHO.

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This just seems a confusion over what the site offers. I always play TO 7 games. Most moves come faster, but I have no objections to someone taking the full week. If I wanted faster games, I would join a site for live play. If you have been on those, you get the same complaints: if you want more than 5 minute chess, nobody wants to play. 🙂

To specifically answer your question: respond that you signed up for 7 day moves and so did your opponent; they are more than free to resign the game if they are too bored to finish it.

Take care,


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Originally posted by SmittyG
This just seems a confusion over what the site offers. I always play TO 7 games. Most moves come faster, but I have no objections to someone taking the full week. If I wanted faster games, I would join a site for live play. If you have been on those, you get the same complaints: if you want more than 5 minute chess, nobody wants to play. 🙂

To specificall ...[text shortened]... more than free to resign the game if they are too bored to finish it.

Take care,

A 7 day time-out means that you have 7 days to make your move.That is your right!If your opponent complains you move too slow,tell him he's welcome to resign.

SmittyG,if you want to play long live games,go to ICC or FICS and ask for a game in channel 90.That's the STCBunch channel.STC=Slow Time Control.I'm sure you will find someone willing to play you with a TC of at least 30 or 45 minutes.

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