Originally posted by slickhareYou should resign immediately, for you cannot hope to win. 🙂
so in one of my games i met this unconventional opening... i was wondering how you all would play it? i opened with the kingside knight, how is that move?
You can respond: 1. f4 e5 and play the From's Gambit, or the Black side of the King's Gambit if the white player choses. Look here for ideas on that one: Tournament 793
Otherwise the most common response is 1.. d5
You can look through any of my games as white: User 45868 and see what people played against me. Or through the games of a much better 1.f4 player: User 208142
I recently got wiped out as Black after 1. f4.
Game 2584960
This game was not at all fun for me, but my opponent was very gracious after the game.
Originally posted by BLReidOuch man, you didn't play particularly well against that - I'd say because you had probably never even faced it (Very rarely may be more accurate.) An interesting variation that a high rated player told me is a corry based opening which is tactical and avoids opening theory is a Larsen transposed into a Bird. I.e. 1.b3 d5 2.f4!? Refer to UltimateWIN vs. NorthernLad - In progress, no comments, and I won't even post a link to it just to discourage comments. Not that 99% of the people on here could improve on their play anyway. 😀
I recently got wiped out as Black after 1. f4.
Game 2584960
This game was not at all fun for me, but my opponent was very gracious after the game.
Originally posted by cmsMasterYeah, when he started 1. f4 I threw caution to the wind and didn't even look at a database. Figured I could manage it on my own, completely ignoring the fact that my opponent was many points stronger than me. I was in trouble by move 7, and it was rapidly downhill after that!
Ouch man, you didn't play particularly well against that - I'd say because you had probably never even faced it (Very rarely may be more accurate.) An interesting variation that a high rated player told me is a corry based opening which is tactical and avoids opening theory is a Larsen transposed into a Bird. I.e. 1.b3 d5 2.f4!? Refer to UltimateWIN vs. scourage comments. Not that 99% of the people on here could improve on their play anyway. 😀
EDIT- I did secure a nice draw in my other game against him though 🙂
Game 2584959
Originally posted by BLReidYes, I think that experience is a major factor with this opening. Throw 1.f4 at black OTB and watch their face. 😛 Of course, you better know what you're doing when you play it!
Yeah, when he started 1. f4 I threw caution to the wind and didn't even look at a database. Figured I could manage it on my own, completely ignoring the fact that my opponent was many points stronger than me. I was in trouble by move 7, and it was rapidly downhill after that!
Nice game, draws against significantly higher rated opponents are always nice to have! 😀
Originally posted by BLReidi played the rest of the game out several ways and it only resulted in mate once. i dont think you shouldda resigned so soon.
I recently got wiped out as Black after 1. f4.
Game 2584960
This game was not at all fun for me, but my opponent was very gracious after the game.
Originally posted by MikeOldehoffThe best line I could see leaves black with 2 rooks vs. B+Q+2 extra pawns. That's an easy win for white, especially if white is a 1700 strength player. Resignation was definitely in order there.
i played the rest of the game out several ways and it only resulted in mate once. i dont think you shouldda resigned so soon.
slickhare, I saw one of your games where you did not see a simple attack on F7. I would suggest you look at the threats of your opponent and not rush out with your Queen moves.
Most games at 1200 level end because of overlooking simple threats. Don't worry, with time you will learn to see these things.