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Cracking a GM's skull....

Cracking a GM's skull....

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My first GM victory that wasn't a simul! And a 15 3 game nonetheless. I did some quick analysis and annotations, enjoy everyone! 😀 I know I did! It's best to look at this with any pgn viewer.
[Event "ICC 15 3"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2007.10.31"]
[Round "?"]
[White "TonyRo"]
[Black "Tankist"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C00"]
[WhiteElo "2330"]
[BlackElo "2504"]
[PlyCount "63"]
[EventDate "2007.??.??"]
[TimeControl "900+3"]

1. e4 e6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Nc3 {A silly line I like to play sometimes, trying to
coax Black into a not so good line, such as 4..d4.} Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. d4 c5 6. dxc5 Nc6 7. Bf4 Nxc5 {I think the normal move here is 7..Bxc5, but this move is by no means bad.} 8. Bd3 Nxd3+ 9. cxd3 Be7 10. O-O Bd7 11. Re1 O-O {Both sides have developed fairly straightforwardly, with White overprotecting the strong e5 pawn. Next comes a howler!} 12. Qd2 $2 {A terrible oversight.} d4 13. Ne4 Qb6 {Black must not have wanted the weak dark squares resulting from the loss of his dark squared bishop, but surely it is correct to just grab the exchange!?} (13...Bb4 $1 14. Qe2 Bxe1 15. Rxe1 Qa5 $17) 14. a3 Rfd8 15. Bg5 $1 {White forces off the dark squared bishop, blacks good bishop. The loss of this bishop also leaves the kingside rather airy.....} Bxg5 16. Qxg5 $1 {This is the correct capture, bringing the queen into the fray, not fearing the loss of the b-pawn.} h6 (16... Qxb2 $2 17. Reb1 Qc2 18. Rxb7 $16) (16... Qc7 17. Nf6+ Kh8 18. Re4 $1$18 {and black literally has no defense to the coming attack!}) 17. Nf6+ $1 Kh8 18. Qh5 Be8 19. Ng5 $1 $18 Qc7 20. Nxe8 Rxe8 21. Nxf7+ Kg8 22. Nd6 Rf8 23. Rac1 Qe7 24. Re4 {Introducing the rook into the attack, but also allowing white to start the f-pawn rolling.} Rad8 25. f4 Na5 26. f5 exf5 27. Nxf5 Qe6 28. Rf1 {White is still winning, but I missed an instant killer!} (28. Nxg7 $1 Kxg7 29. Rg4+ Kh7 30. Rc7+ {The move I missed, and a crying shame too!}) 28... Rd7 29. Rg4 Rdf7 $2 30. Rxg7+ $1 Rxg7 31. Nxh6+ Kh7 32. Nf7+ {Black resigns} 1-0

This was the only game out of 5 that I won, although I was up a clear pawn with a crushing position in another but felt the need to donate a piece for no reason....😀

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Impressive! Congratulations.

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Who is the GM?

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Originally posted by saffa73
Who is the GM?
Vladimir Kosyrev, Russian of course.

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by seeing the ratings I can notice that the 4-1 result was somehow expected...I believe that in the end the rating were about the same as before the first game, isn't it ?

you seem to be a strong rapid chess player and the GM a somehow weak GM in rapid chess(weak GM compared to other GMs)

Am I right ?

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Not completely. The longer the time control gets, the stronger I get for sure, as I tend to use up alot of time calculating variations that I deem interesting, and I like to play as sharp and as precisely as possible, but the guy I played, is #3 on ICC as far as standard ratings go. So he's no slouch. If it wasn't something like 1 O Clock in the morning when I was playing, the match would have been 3-2 him.

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
My first GM victory that wasn't a simul! And a 15 3 game nonetheless. I did some quick analysis and annotations, enjoy everyone! 😀 I know I did! It's best to look at this with any pgn viewer.
[Event "ICC 15 3"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2007.10.31"]
[Round "?"]
[White "TonyRo"]
[Black "Tankist"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C00"]
[WhiteElo "233 ...[text shortened]... n in another but felt the need to donate a piece for no reason....😀

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
Not completely. The longer the time control gets, the stronger I get for sure, as I tend to use up alot of time calculating variations that I deem interesting, and I like to play as sharp and as precisely as possible, but the guy I played, is #3 on ICC as far as standard ratings go. So he's no slouch. If it wasn't something like 1 O Clock in the morning when I was playing, the match would have been 3-2 him.
"The longer the time control gets, the stronger I get for sure"...this is true maybe for you compared to yourself, as I see it does not apply for RHP also 😉

Whithout joking, I think longer times you(you is not especially you, but somehow all stronger players around) would have against a GM lesser chanches to get points you would have, as they are better trained for long games and their strategy is very strong...and less chances for tactical blunders...

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Originally posted by vipiu
"The longer the time control gets, the stronger I get for sure"...this is true maybe for you compared to yourself, as I see it does not apply for RHP also 😉

Whithout joking, I think longer times you(you is not especially you, but somehow all stronger players around) would have against a GM lesser chanches to get points you would have, as they are better tr ...[text shortened]... d for long games and their strategy is very strong...and less chances for tactical blunders...
I completely agree with you. Even though I am a terrible bullet player, I would have a better scoring percentage, simply because it would always be silly and I could just move faster, etc...As far as my RHP rating goes....well....with school it's hard to take RHP rather seriously. 😀

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