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Crazy chess competition ! ! !

Crazy chess competition ! ! !

Only Chess

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I made another thread about this game yesterday but I got only few replies.

I thought it would be funny to make a RHP competition in this game. As a proof, after you play the game you have the opportunity to record your score on the site that hosts the game. Use your RHP name when entering the high score.

This game is pretty simple. The pawns are moving on the board and you are catching them with the knight before they make it to the bottom of board (which can hurt you).

I think after you play this game few times, you will spot knight forks faster and you will never have problems with knight L shaped manuevers anymore.


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What level do we start at?

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I don't know. First, because it becomes more difficult, step by step. The game becomes more difficult the more levels you play. At the level 16 on beginner level, difficult level is pretty advanced.

You have to posess pretty good knight move-visualisation in order to survive that levels with real "pawn storms".

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So nobody wants to play it.

You lazy CCrs, I bet you do not know handle your horsey fast 😛

Here's mine new highscore


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