OK, here goes a crazy idea that jut popped up inside my distinctly small head: What if RHP were to strike a deal to have a link in places such as lichess.org or chess24.com as an alternative option to play correspondence chess.
To promote RHP in all the 'high' traffic chess sites, you would just have to differentiate and put forward your value proposition. This would posture the site as 'complementary' as opposed to competing.
The benefit would be a huge boost in global memberships.
Just an idea.
It's a good idea, one I might take to the Site Ideas forum, where I reckon Russ probably pays more attention. In any case, I have been interested for some time in the surprisingly (to me, anyway,) low promotion RHP does outside of its own community. It's not my place to go poking into the finances, but it does seem like this site (though it's in decline) is, or could be, a substantial revenue source.
In any case, I can't imagine it hasn't been considered in some capacity; I'm not sure what the reason not to would be, but I'm assuming that if it has come up, it's just been considered to be ineffective financially. I'm not sure, really, what differentiability the site would be able to highlight, and that's coming from a subscriber, a blogger, and a decent-number-of-games-player.
That being said, there's every chance it just hasn't come up, and there's no harm in trying to get it heard more directly.
Most sites have correspondence chess. I know lichess does. Of course chess.com does too. I haven't been on a chess site that didn't have correspondence chess.
It doesn't hurt to advertise though.
I think this site is doing well but what do I know right?
The layout and format at redhotpawn is the best. Plus the forums here are number one. Other sites the forums are dead or lame.
A better idea is to add live chess to this site. Play a couple blitz games while you wait for your opponent's to move in your correspondence games.
Yeah, that's a more eloquent analogy for what I was trying to say in several long-winded paragraphs. They're already at alternative sites; they would need a heck of a good reason to switch.