I suspect a merger or at least an important deal has transpired between ICC and ChessLive. This is because the interface looks exactly like the one for ChessLive. I'm very happy about this because ChessLive is actually my favorite interface. However, there are usually only about 10-15 people on so I don't play there.
BTW: Is there any confirmation from ICC about this?
My only problem with this move is that ChessLive simply has nothing decent to compare to Blitzin's Alternate 3D piece set. Sure, they ahve 3d sets, but the pieces are tilted just as if it were a 2D set. It's as if I'm playing on a wall. In Blitzin, the Alternate 3D piece set gives me the impression that I'm playing on a real chess board. This si important to me because I have found that when I use the 2D sets online exclusively, I begin to play worse on a real board. Thus, I think the best I can do is have a realistic looking board with a realistic perspective.
Since I just love talking to myself...
I talked to some ICC admins and they have confirmed that Dasher is indeed based on USCL code. However, they say it has been reworked significantly to work with ICC.
Hopefully, they also took the spyware out of USCL. I dislike spyware as a matter of principle.