I have a question that's been bothering me for years... GM Kotov of Russia, and Tim Harding, a correspondence master from Ireland, both advocate compiling a database of games using one's favorite openings. My question is: If a chessplayer has access to thousands of games containing ones favorite openings, what do keep in your database?? Some of them? All of Them? A Few of them? How does an average player know what to keep? You can send me a message, or e mail me at: williamportor@hotmail.com Thanks - bill718
Hi my friend;
I think that an average player around 2000 needs not to feel concerned at limiting hiself to an opening repertoire; therefore at first one has to pick a repertoire that suits his attitude. Personally I play 1.d4 with the White and I prefere KID/ Scheveningen with the Black, so all my books and my database have to do with these main systems. I started playing chess again last year after a break since 1990, and from my post mortem analyses I already have annotated in full the 90 CC games I played recently. A hard working player will soon sharpen his style once he switches and keeps on analysing the openings that make him feel happy and excited (but also he has to built his strategical/ tactical skills and study in depth the endgame theory); therefore your personal database must be oriented towards this aim, I reckon;
best regards