Originally posted by moonbusQxh7+ ..Kxh7 Nxf6++ ..Kh8 Ng6#
[fen]rn3rk1/pbppq1pp/1p2pb2/4N2Q/4N3/3B4/PPP2PPP/R3K2R w - - 0 1[/fen]
White to move and force mate. There are multiple solutions (as actually played OTB, it was mate in 8 moves, but also possible in 7). White may castle either side.
Ooh actually King can run out to h6. Probably still mate though..
Originally posted by Marinkatomb'Probably' won't do. Work it out properly - in your head! You've just thrown your Q. Was it sound, or fantasy? 'Probably sound '? I've lost OTB games with 'probably sound' sacs. So work it out - in your head :-)
Ooh actually King can run out to h6. Probably still mate though..
Originally posted by MarinkatombOK, guys, I'll give you a hint: If the Black K flees via h6, then Neg4+. Keep checking the Black K with Ps and whatever you can throw at him, and walk him forward, into the rotating knives.... All of Black's moves are forced, so it can be worked out in your head. If you worked it out as far as Marinkatomb did, then you've got at most five and a half more moves to calculate (and at least one variation is shorter).
Qxh7+ ..Kxh7 Nxf6++ ..Kh8 Ng6#
Ooh actually King can run out to h6. Probably still mate though..
I spotted the game right away, not that long ago we were talking about this game on another site.
It is 'possibly' the most famous blitz game in chess history.
(A Korchnoi - Fischer blitz game appears in some opening books on the KID.
too date that is the only other I can think of with any form of clarity.
However young Carlsen is producing some recent nice blitz wins that will
no doubt get the treatment. I'll start it off by doing I do a thread on this game.)
The history of the Ed Lasker - Thomas is quite interesting.
Disputes as to the where and when, was it a blitz game, and what was
the exact move order.
Chaos in a Miniature by Edward Winter is a smashing read.
Originally posted by moonbusThe classics being timeless and beautiful are great anytime.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess I don't have to present the solution. For those who have not already worked it out for themselves, see the link in GP's post above. Next time I'll dig out a more obscure puzzle. Cheers.