Hi all,
I am new here... I want to talk about DGT Electronic Chessboard. Do you?
You know DGT Electronic Chessboard is using real games against Programs or Real Oppnent its chess servers day by day growing- with real pieces. It is quite expensive. But you are bored playing with mouse and like touching the real pieces it is the best alternative--especially like mine alone or never find real apponent.
My question is;
in the forum, is there anyone have the DGT Electronic Chessboard ? and you ever played with real opponent via internet ? Experience please ?
I asked to offical maker
-dgtprojects team- several question about it. They think robot arm will not create near soon.
I am open minded for this thread news or your thinking.
Originally posted by ismetI have one and have played against people over ICC. It is compatible with other online servers but only used it on ICC. The board is quite large (tournament size) and does not look electronic at all apart from the discrete USB port at the side and a port for a compatible chess clock (of which I don't have).
Hi all,
I am new here... I want to talk about DGT Electronic Chessboard. Do you?
You know DGT Electronic Chessboard is using real games against Programs or Real Oppnent its chess servers day by day growing- with real pieces. It is quite expensive. But you are bored playing with mouse and like touching the real pieces it is the best alternative--espec ...[text shortened]... robot arm will not create near soon.
I am open minded for this thread news or your thinking.
Each piece is uniquely identified by the board no matter where you place it, unlike some other electronic chess boards which depend on the board knowing the starting positions for all the pieces and remembering what pieces have been moved. Therefore you can place the pieces anywhere and you wouldn't have to worry about programming the board what piece is where.
It is compatible with Fritz as standard. I have Fritz 9 and I do not find any latency between the board and my laptop. The same applies for playing over ICC so you can play blitz games without worrying too much about delays in response. Although naturally if you are playing a 1 minute game, you have to relay your opponent's moves on the board as well, which would be dependent on your own response times. 🙂
There is also software that is available which you can download from the DGT Projects website for compatability with Chessmaster 9000 or 10th Edition. It is generally quite good although occasionally Chessmaster "loses track" of your moves as it is a third party software which is relaying the moves to Chessmaster.
The board can also store moves internally up to 500 moves. Although if you want to do this independently from a computer, you would still need to power it through a USB hub (I haven't tried this yet).
Also, if you have software development experience, you can download a dll which would allow you to create your own software which is compatible.
Originally posted by lauseyThank you Lausey for your interest and reply,
I have one and have played against people over ICC. It is compatible with other online servers but only used it on ICC. The board is quite large (tournament size) and does not look electronic at all apart from the discrete USB port at the side and a port for a compatible chess clock (of which I don't have).
Each piece is uniquely identified by the board no ...[text shortened]... can download a dll which would allow you to create your own software which is compatible.
First of all , my native language is not english ! and sorry for fault sentences.
I understand you have DGT Electronic Chessboard. is it last edition ? and you say you have not chess clock you play timeless ? . I read DGT XL chess clock is compatible it and better alternative I think you shoud try it 🙂
You say you have played against people over ICC. I played often FICS (Free Internet Chess server ) program Babaschess in Laptop and OlmiChess in PDA. Recent Update in DGTPROJECT is compatible with BabasChess . It is great server. (ICC must be pay register? )
I am asking you I hope I can explain good ! It is important question for me to understand it and order !!!
When you play chess against real player opponent . your opponent moves are lightining on the square (chessboard) and you move it ? or you see on the PC your opponent move and you move it?
Understand ?
Thank you
Originally posted by ismetI am not aware of different editions of the board. It appears to be the same one as advertised on the DGT Projects web site. I never had need to invest in a chess clock as when playing online or using Fritz, they handle the time controls anyway.
Thank you Lausey for your interest and reply,
First of all , my native language is not english ! and sorry for fault sentences.
I understand you have DGT Electronic Chessboard. is it last edition ? and you say you have not chess clock you play timeless ? . I read DGT XL chess clock is compatible it and better alternative I think you shoud try it 🙂
...[text shortened]... move it ? or you see on the PC your opponent move and you move it?
Understand ?
Thank you
You can register on ICC for a limited time, then you would have to pay when this has expired. From the ICC website:
Three year membership $149.95
One year membership $59.95
Six month membership $34.95
One year membership for students* $29.95
The board does not have any lights or any displays to indicate what pieces have moved. You have to move the pieces by copying your opponent moves you see on the screen.
From the DGT website:
Why doesn't the DGT board have LEDs to indicate moves?
Our goal was to create a board that could be used in many settings - not just the home, but at clubs and tournaments as well. Therefore, we made these design decisions:
* Classic wood surface with no distracting LEDs.
* Official FIDE size (55 mm) squares.
* Compact electronics, to avoid unnatural thickness.
These choices have helped the DGT Chessboard to be accepted at many world class chess events.
The no-LED design has prompted software developers to add move-announcement features to their chess programs. ChessBase was the first to give one of its chess programs a "voice," with Fritz5.
Moves can also be displayed on the computer screen.
Originally posted by lauseyI am big satisfied using BabasChess with FICS (Free Internet Chess Server ) it is rival ICC with NO PAY !. Try it ! you will like .
The board does not have any lights or any displays to indicate what pieces have moved. You have to move the pieces by copying your opponent moves you see on the screen.
From the DGT website:
Why doesn't the DGT board have LEDs to indicate moves?
Our goal was to create a board that could be used in many settings - not just the home, but at clubs and t ...[text shortened]... s chess programs a "voice," with Fritz5.
Moves can also be displayed on the computer screen.
and LED indicator issue , you say DGTPRJECTS is aware LED indicator issue. it is good but no option product with LED is bad news . I want to look only real DGT Electronic chessboard not screen !!! if I look at the screen why I pay so much money this product ?!
Maybe it could be option anyone choose with led or no led indicator.
and I am considering myself it is better play with mouse in PC or PDA and Tablet-Motion computer with pen. Because real opponent game does not seem reasonable looking on the screen. Maybe in long games No Problem but if you play 5 / 10 / 15 minutes game or increament game like 2 /12 it seems difficult .
Originally posted by ismetIt is down to personal preference. I like the idea of playing on a "real" chess board and yet it being linked to a computer. You can play over the internet and not have to touch the PC. Also if you play against someone else, you can have the PC record your moves and straight away analyse the game afterwards.
I am big satisfied using BabasChess with FICS (Free Internet Chess Server ) it is rival ICC with NO PAY !. Try it ! you will like .
and LED indicator issue , you say DGTPRJECTS is aware LED indicator issue. it is good but no option product with LED is bad news . I want to look only real DGT Electronic chessboard not screen !!! if I look at the screen why I ...[text shortened]... blem but if you play 5 / 10 / 15 minutes game or increament game like 2 /12 it seems difficult .
Naturally if you prefer a board which has other functionality, I am sure there are plenty of others out there which provide it. 🙂
You can configure the PC so that the moves are spoken to you, so you don't even have to look at the screen. Therefore I don't think it would be much difference in time to looking at LEDs.
I mostly prefer to play long games anyway, and this board works well for this purpose.
Originally posted by ChessJesterI think you mean and best alternative than magnet is Robot Arm. But offical DGTPROJECTS Team say it is imposible soon and they say ;
This sounds neat. I'd like to have something like this, but it would be much cooler if the pieces moved by themselves with magnets! Do you know of anything like this?
'It's unlikely DGT Projects will ever manufacture robotics arms for the boards.'
'The board is in the market for many years now, the project for a Robotics arm to move the pieces, is just a curiosity.'
and for Lausey;
The DGT electronic board is just like a normal chessboard, except for the connection with the PC. You have to move the pieces yourself by hand, also for the opponent. When you play on the Internet, the moves can be announced on your PC screen, by vocal announcement or by display on the DGT XL clock. Especially the last option makes playing on-line with the e-board a great experience. I surely would recommend getting an XL clock together with your e-board, if you plan to play against Internet opponents.
It seems no plan - playing chess via internet- my real opponent moves by Robot Arm. Yes only look at the screen or DGT XL Chess Clock. But I think it should be great option LED INDICATOR on the Board. No looking screen and concantrate the play best.
Originally posted by ChessJesterI saw a set like that once. The pieces moved by themselves. It was cool.
This sounds neat. I'd like to have something like this, but it would be much cooler if the pieces moved by themselves with magnets! Do you know of anything like this?
Check out this link - it mentions four self moving sets which are unfortunately no longer being made. Two have robot arms and two worked via magnets, which is how the set I saw worked.
I got a set which was real cheap. It writes where to move the computers moves, while you push down on the board to tell it your moves. LOL, it would only be rated about 1400 maybe on the highest setting. Chess Academy.
It has some alright moves it does, but it's like it has no brain in certain areas, making it weak...
Brand new, it only cost about two packets of cigarettes. Still it would be good for beginers. It does openings, and has a booklet about the basic in chess.
Sometimes it just starts playing by itself and even my moves. It can speak also, and often wakes me up in the middle of the night saying "I should resign" or "you're a loser". I once would just throw my pillow at it, but it evolved. I've thrown it out 14 times but it always comes back cause it loves me so much. Hell, I even went to the hire-shop and got a jack-hammer to smash the thing to bits. It seemed to work, so I went to pay the hire-charge when all of a sudden from behind me I heard, "You're A Loser". The fecken pieces had all joined back together and followed me down to the shop.