Take a look at Game 1488244 after Black's 20th move. Does White have a won game? It seems clear that the endgame favors me, but I couldn't pull it off.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungGame 1488244
Take a look at [gameid]1488244[/gameid] after Black's 20th move. Does White have a won game? It seems clear that the endgame favors me, but I couldn't pull it off.
Looks like you have an edge. I think you picked the wrong plan from there on tho.
Push the passed pawn dont trade off your pieces controling that part of the board for pieces that arent active in that part ie f-g-h.
Id have pushed the g pawn and put a rook behind it and let black get tied down to that then probably would have started chipping away at the center or just playing f5 etc.
I would have exchanged. Your bishop doesnt have much else to do, gets in the way of the rooks controling the file and moving it to another square costs a tempi.....cant really find much for it to do other than support the pawn advanced which the queen does nicely anyway. On the other hand blacks dark square bishop is bearing down on c3 along with the queen so its quite a nice piece if it ever gets the chance to be active, taking it off is the right way to go. I guess one could consider playing 20.g5 first but after Ne8 Bxg7 black now has the choice of Nxg7 or Rxg7 so the straight 20. Bxg7 seems more accurate.