Been playing on here for about 2 hours.
Suddenly have notched up a few disconnections whilst in easily
won positions. Is it something that just seems to happen from
My computer seems OK. I've not been kicked off the net.
It's always when I accept a challenge - it never happens if
I set up the board - anybody else experience the same trouble?
Originally posted by greenpawn34I get disconnected alot too and i'm not sure of the reason.Actually if i was you,I would stay off of UChess.Many of my friends and I have been harassed by 2 other players on that site(I won't mention the names)who become threatened if your rating becomes too high and both are in "cahoots"with the site administrator.One of the "players" said to me in a message.."well you won 4 times in a row now and i'm going to block your playing priviledges in 5 minutes!And guess what?I was blocked!
Been playing on here for about 2 hours.
Suddenly have notched up a few disconnections whilst in easily
won positions. Is it something that just seems to happen from
My computer seems OK. I've not been kicked off the net.
It's always when I accept a challenge - it never happens if
I set up the board - anybody else experience the same trouble?
And this was a player that was like 1400 rating and i was 2000 on the site!Something weird going on there!
If you don't mind spending alittle money I would strongly suggest
Instantchess which is a much better blitz site with many more features.It is based in Moscow,Russia and there are alot of exotic and strong players.But you can filter out which opponent strength you care to play ahead of time.
ICC is also much much better for blitz,but again,it is not free.
Good luck with UCHess.You will never get "harassed"like me.....UNLESS you become a strong player!
Originally posted by greenpawn34I'll bet i know who it is!But i better not say on the forums here!
Thanks - I've come across a few nutters on there.
I've put in a complaint about one such person 3 days ago - nobody
has got back to me.
I am very very thick skinned and can give as good as I get
but this one was.......odd.
That nut,however,is in cahoots with either the owner or someone else that has control of the site when the owner is not around.Its all I can fathom.Alot of sore losers on UChess.I even prefer to play blitz on Gameknot over Uchess.While the blitz site has been under construction for a long time,i encounter hardly any disconnects or nuts.
I think the reason is simple😲n Gameknot you are not playing rated blitz(atleast not yet)so winning or losing does not affect an opponents rating,thus they don't get as "mad" or make as many stupid comments if they lose.My rating on that site exceeds 2300(in the long games)and I am a USCF master.I belong to almost every site under various names.You know which site I actually hate?UChess!
I refuse to go on that site anymore for a host of reasons.But that dosen't mean that you should not,but I just wanted to warn you ahead of time about some things.
Just read your profile - you are the guy who plays
1.e4 2.Qh5 and 3.Qxf7+ and then wins.
We played a few games - I thought you were mad so I gave my Queen up for a pawn a few moves later and got hammered.
The next game you did it again! So I sacced my Queen and got hammered.
Next game you did it again! this time I held on to my Queen...
and got hammered.
You will have to give Korch a game. He's good at this stuff.
(please post some of the games )
OK I'm off to sac my Queen in three moves - watch this space.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Yes,i remember playing you now.I sac my queen sometimes in the opening simply to give players a fighting chance!I was hoping you would kill me in the other two games.I know how to set up mid game traps very quicky from experience,that usually gains back most of my point losses.The thing is,i would rarely sac a major piece,let alone a queen if the game was rated.I like to experiment alot.You may see me moving as white with the first 2 moves....1.Na3 and 2.Nh3.As the game proceeds,most players would take the knights with their Bishops,doubling my pawns on a2,a3 and h2,h3.believe it or not,this is a big mistake for black to exchange that way against a 2300+player.
Just read your profile - you are the guy who plays
1.e4 2.Qh5 and 3.Qxf7+ and then wins.
We played a few games - I thought you were mad so I gave my Queen up for a pawn a few moves later and got hammered.
The next game you did it again! So I sacced my Queen and got hammered.
Next game you did it again! this time I held on to my Queen...
and ...[text shortened]... ease post some of the games )
OK I'm off to sac my Queen in three moves - watch this space.
The open file that opens up on b and g I can use to my Rook advantage and the doubled pawns have only a slight disadvantage in an opening.Doubled pawns in a midgame or endgame however,usually are much more disadvantageous.Bishops also have what is termed a higher theoretical positional advantage many times over knights,say 3.1 or 3.2 point value in an endgame due to their 'reach'.Thus,never take my knights in that weird weak opening of mine...its a fooler.
I'm not playing any games on this site right now,I am playing alot of OTB tourneys through the USCF which uses most of my time up and energy.
Originally posted by Vanquishhahahah...
Yes,i remember playing you now.I sac my queen sometimes in the opening simply to give players a fighting chance!I was hoping you would kill me in the other two games.I know how to set up mid game traps very quicky from experience,that usually gains back most of my point losses.The thing is,i would rarely sac a major piece,let alone a queen if the game was r ...[text shortened]... ,I am playing alot of OTB tourneys through the USCF which uses most of my time up and energy.
It is true about the disconnections - almost all of mine are incurred when I am putting the finishing touches to a won position and mysteriously find myself disconnected.
My theories:
1. there is some sort of bug in the site that a few players know how to exploit to get cheap wins.
2. Somebody in charge likes to randomly boot players in won positions as some sort of joke.
Originally posted by schakuhrnothing funnier than a rank beginner with an engine babbling about chess. 🙂
[b]Bishops also have what is termed a higher theoretical positional advantage many times over knights,say 3.1 or 3.2 point value in an endgame due to their 'reach'.
I thought he was going to say that the half-open files would give him an extra +0.05 advantage. LOL.[/b]
Originally posted by clandarkfireHe was Chainsaw under a different name. While Chainsaw did not cheat on RHP (although he did pretend he was a USCF Master in his profile), he did use engines on RHP Blitz (he eventually admitted this much). However, he wasn't the typical engine user. He would often play 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nf6 3. Qxf7 before running his engine. He would use his engine the whole time only if that didn't work.
hmm... vanquish was banned. Why?