1.e4..e5 2.Nf3..Nc6 3.Bc4..Nf6 4.Ng5..Nxe4 5.Nxf7..(if Ke8xNf7 it's over.) But if you are smart... Qe7 6.Nxh8..Nd4 7.Bf7+..Kxf7 8.Nxf7 or...
7.Bf7+..Qxf7 8.Nxf7..Kxf7 (I then would have his Queen for a Knight)
W: B:
1.e2-e4 e7-e5
2.Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
3.Bf1-c4 Ng8-f6
4.Nf3-g5 Nf6xe4
5.Ng5xf7 (if Ke8xNf7 it's over.) But if you are smart... Qd8-e7 (it's the only way...)
6.Nf7xh8 Nc6-d4
7.Bc4-f7+ Ke8xf7 (then I capture the king with my knight, and it will be over)
W: B:
7.Bc4-f7+ Qe7xf7
8.Nh8xf7 Ke8xf7 (at least I would have captured a queen for a knight)
Then you would keep going...
Originally posted by villa68I think villa68 has hit the nail on the head there. Seeing as you are obviously keen to develop your own lines, perhaps you should have a look at some that other people have come up with to get some ideas 😉
prehaps you should spend some time searching the web for chess material and having a look at it.
you seem to love it so might as well learn whats out there step by step instead of trying to re-invent the wheel
Originally posted by AJMagicmanWhy is 5 ... Qe7 the only way?
1.e4..e5 2.Nf3..Nc6 3.Bc4..Nf6 4.Ng5..Nxe4 5.Nxf7..(if Ke8xNf7 it's over.) But if you are smart... Qe7 6.Nxh8..Nd4 7.Bf7+..Kxf7 8.Nxf7 or...
7.Bf7+..Qxf7 8.Nxf7..Kxf7 (I then would have his Queen for a Knight)
W: B:
1.e ...[text shortened]...
Qh4 threatens mate for black on the next move.
5. Bxf7 is more promising for white, with the king forced onto the 7th rank and potential follow up pressure from the white Queen.
Your biggest problem, however, is that the whole line depends on black playing
4. ... Nxe4
which, against a half decent player, is highly unlikely. Black is more likely to play: d5 or Bc5.
I suspect that the only way to deal with this is to fight fire with fire. So... in that spirit...
Hey AJ, do I have a line for you. White captures all of black's pieces for nothing plus checkmates in only 13 moves!!! Do you think it's good?
1. e4 h5 2. d4 a5 3. Qf3 Rh6 4. Bxh6 Ra6 5. Bxa6 d5 6. exd5 Qxd5 7. Qxd5 Bg4 8. h3 Bf3 9. Nxf3 g6 10. Bxf8 Nh6 11. Bxh6 h4 12. Bb5+ Nd7 13. Qxd7#
wow. I just invented the worst imaginable game of chess...
1. e4 h5 2. d4 a5 3. Qf3 Rh6 4. Bxh6 Ra6 5. Bxa6 d5 6. exd5 Qxd5 7. Qxd5 Bg4 8. h3 Bf3 9. Nxf3 g6 10. Bxf8 Nh6 11. Bxh6 h4 12. Bb5+ Nd7 13. Nxh4 g5 14. Bxg5 f6 15. Bxf6 c6 16. Bxc6 e6 17. Qxe6+ Kf8 18. Bxb7 a4 19. Bc6 a3 20. bxa3 Ne5 21. Qxe5 Kf7 22. Qe7+ Kg8 23. Bd5#
ooops. I guess my line's not so good after all. Black can achieve a draw against overwhelming odds! Look!
1. e4 h5 2. d4 a5 3. Qf3 Rh6 4. Bxh6 Ra6 5. Bxa6 d5 6. exd5 Qxd5 7. Qxd5 Bg4 8. h3 Bf3 9. Nxf3 g6 10. Bxf8 Nh6 11. Bxh6 h4 12. Bb5+ Nd7 13. Nxh4 g5 14. Bxg5 f6 15. Bxf6 c6 16. Bxc6 e6 17. Qxe6+ Kf8 18. Bxb7 a4 19. Bc6 a3 20. bxa3 Ne5 21. Qxe5 Kf7 22. Nf5 Kf8 23. h4 Kf7 24. h5 Kf8 25. h6 Kf7 26. Qf4 Ke6 27. h7 Kf7 28. h8=Q Ke6 29. g4 Kf7 30. g5 Ke6 31. Ba4 Kd5 32. g6 Kc4 33. g7 Kd5 34. Bb3+ Kc6 35. g8=Q Kb5 36. d5 Ka5 37. d6 Ka6 38. d7 Ka5 39. d8=Q+ Ka6 40. c4 Ka7 41. Qd1 Ka6 42. c5 Ka7 43. c6 Ka6 44. c7 Ka7 45. c8=Q Kb6 46. Qcc1 Ka7 47. Ng3 Ka6 48. Qfh4 Ka7 49. Bg5 Ka6 50. f4 Ka7 51. f5 Ka6 52. f6 Ka7 53. f7 Ka6 54. f8=Q Ka7 55. a4 Kb6 56. a5+ Kb5 57. a6 Ka5 58. a7 Kb5 59. a8=Q Kb6 60. Qg2 Kb5 61. a4+ Kb6 62. a5+ Kb5 63. a6 Kb6 64. a7 Kb5 65. a8=Q Kb6 66. Bf4 Kb5 67. Qh8h6 1/2 1/2
Originally posted by AJMagicmanA little advie on your notation: Instead of listing both the starting square and the destination square, just give the destination square. So in other words, 1.e4, instead of 1.e2-e4. It's easier to read, and it's the way most people are trianed to read it. The only time you need the starting square is if two of the same type of piece can move to the square. For instance, if either rook can move to e1, you would say Rf1-e1. You can even shorten it to Rfe1.
1.e4..e5 2.Nf3..Nc6 3.Bc4..Nf6 4.Ng5..Nxe4 5.Nxf7..(if Ke8xNf7 it's over.) But if you are smart... Qe7 6.Nxh8..Nd4 7.Bf7+..Kxf7 8.Nxf7 or...
7.Bf7+..Qxf7 8.Nxf7..Kxf7 (I then would have his Queen for a Knight)
W: B:
1.e ...[text shortened]...