I've just finished this game.
Game 6064450
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.
A computer would win quicker than 50+ moves. 😛 Sounds like a sore loser. Just ignore it, I've never had it happen to me, but maybe that says something about the quality of my games. 😳 If it happens again, ask your opponent what specificly made him say that?
Move 54W was pawn x knight = Q+ which is in plain sight for human or computer to gain a piece for a pawn. The computer might choose pawn to e8 = Q, since material is often important to engines.
Originally posted by Steven AnthonyIt's a too common accusation in internet chess. Some people think that if they get beaten, their opponent must have been cheating. 😉
I've just finished this game.
Game 6064450
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.
If your opponent really thought you might be using an engine, then it's probably a safe bet that he's not going to be leading the rating list here anytime soon. As loaf86 intimated, I'd assume he was wondering whether you use an IBM compatible or a MAC. 🙂
Originally posted by Steven AnthonyYour reply should have been a simple
I've just finished this game.
Game 6064450
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.
"To beat you?"
Originally posted by Steven Anthonydon't worry about it, it happens. and for some weird reason especially on the 1200-1400 level, where it can't possibly be an issue.
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.
Thanks for the responses.
It seemed like an accusation but I was polite so I replied.
"I use one at work, i'm a computer programmer."
He never responded back, so I think he was upset at losing.
Lol, if i'm getting accusations at the 1400 levels in a non tournament game, they must be flying around all over the place in tournaments.
Originally posted by Steven Anthony--nevermind--
I've just finished this game.
Game 6064450
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.
Originally posted by Steven AnthonyNo, your opponent is just an idiot
I've just finished this game.
Game 6064450
On move 54 my opponent asked me.
"Do you use a computer?????"
Is this a common accusation, I mean I didn't particulally play well in the game.