I was playing through some miniatures and I came across this nice attack I thought I'd share.
Rasmusson-Pulkkinen 1933
From this position white sets up a double bishop sacrafice
[FEN "4rrk1/pbqnbppp/1p2pn2/2ppN3/2PP1P2/1PNBP3/PB2Q1PP/R4RK1 w - - 0 0"] [PlyCount "19"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:1800"] 1. Nb5 {Drives away the queen from the defense of the knight} Qb8 {To protect a7} 2. Nxd7 {Draws the knight away from the protection of h7} Nxd7 3. dxc5 {Opens up the diagonal for the bishop} bxc5 4. Bxh7 Kxh7 {Kh8 is met by Qh5 with a discovered check to follow} 5. Qh5 Kg8 6. Bxg7 {Threatening mate} Kxg7 7. Qg4 Kh8 {7...Kf6?? 8.Qg5#} 8. Rf3 Nf6 9. Rh3 Nh7 10. Qh5 {And black cannot stop Qxh7#}