Thats a good game SG. When I first saw it I too just slung up my h-pawn.
The Bishop on e2 is good there. Some nice ideas in your game.
Pity you never put a note after Black's 20...Bg7.
Something along the lines of. "and 15 moves after playing g6 Black finally gets to to play Bg7."
The Dragondorf? what on earth next to con cash out of the lads.
The CaroLopez, The GrunKann, The IndianPiano....
Hmmmm....I might try that. You play g6 but develop your f8 Bishop on c5.
Watch this space and get ready to buy the DVD.
Hello guys!
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think I saw an old Botvinnik game (around the 1960's) where he had the black pieces and started a dragon structure and later he played a6, b5 and Bb7.
Probably it would be right to call it, "Botvinnik dragon".
Thank you for your time.
Originally posted by greenpawn34its been played in serious tournament play by GM simon Williams and has a certain rational, that being that black defers castling and concentrates on queenside counter play, the idea being that it take white out of book, no more automatic Yugoslav attacks. The idea is borrowed from the English opening with reversed colours.
Thats a good game SG. When I first saw it I too just slung up my h-pawn.
The Bishop on e2 is good there. Some nice ideas in your game.
Pity you never put a note after Black's 20...Bg7.
Something along the lines of. "and 15 moves after playing g6 Black finally gets to to play Bg7."
The Dragondorf? what on earth next to con cash out of the lads. ...[text shortened]... . You play g6 but develop your f8 Bishop on c5.
Watch this space and get ready to buy the DVD.
Originally posted by sundown316...Nc6 is mainline dragon, people play the Dragondorf primarily to avoid the mainline Yugoslav attack, its not a poor move at all, the knight is heading for e5 and eventually c4, what was poor was making preparations to fianchetto and then not carrying it through
Good game on your part. 7...Nbd7 was poor,7...Nc6 was better. You gave him no time to castle.
Hi Robbie,
a6 is always a handy move in any Siclian. Nothing really wrong with it.
They have re-invented the wheel.
In our Dragon days in the late 70's we often delayed 0-0 as Black for as long as possible.
The White lads were at a loss what to do. No point in throwing a h-pawn at
a King that has not castled who has played Bd7 and Qa5 and is ready to go 0-0-0.
I've seen White playing h3 (a typical I don't know what to do move.)
Then of course you go mainline a tempo up. (h2-h3-h4) and a tempo in
that set up is gold dust.
The true Dragon players I know love playing v the Yugoslav Attack.
They are booked up to the rooftops with all the lastest gossip on it.
It should only be feared by the home casual Dragon player.
But avoiding it is also good because the Yugo is often Whites only line
against it.
Then, as in SG's game, it's good player with an open mind v a player
struggling to remember what he has seen flick past his eyes on some DVD
whilst his brain is in TV mode.