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Game ID# 11362628
This game was declared a draw. However I can see no reason.
I did not offer my opponent a draw & neither did he. Game is even in captured pieces and there were no repeat moves.
There are many other pieces that can be legally moved.
Can someone have a look see & clue me in. Thanks.

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Please disregard my post.

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Judging by the game state and your second post you offered a draw and forgot. I'm guessing you were worried about your queen and saw the draw by repetition, but you could have forced a win with 29. Kh1 Rh2+ 30. Kg1 Rg8+ 31. Bg7 Rxg7#. Also, on the previous move you had 27. ... Bh7+ 28. Kh1 fxg2# - check all checks.

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