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Dumb Question about Ratings

Dumb Question about Ratings

Only Chess

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to get a rating say on USC, or in my case CFC (Canada).. or FIDE.. is the only way to actually physically go to live tournaments? is there computer tournaments or something where you don't have to travel to play?

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Ya gotta go play OTB. People can cheat on the net. Live chess tournaments are way *kewl* anyway, it's a real thrill, like gambling in Vegas. Try it!

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There are chess clubs where you can play rated tournaments in most areas. Look for your neighborhood chess club via information or something. You have to pay a small amount of money, and it's often on weekend nights I think. Chess players have wild weekend nights...

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Originally posted by MIODude
to get a rating say on USC, or in my case CFC (Canada).. or FIDE.. is the only way to actually physically go to live tournaments? is there computer tournaments or something where you don't have to travel to play?
It has been possible in the past to play quick chess (15 minute) USCF rated games on US Chess Live. I'm not sure if they are still running the events.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
It has been possible in the past to play quick chess (15 minute) USCF rated games on US Chess Live. I'm not sure if they are still running the events.
15 minute rated games? Hmmmmm, they may have changed the rule since I played 20 years ago, but up to 1987 I believe the fastest game that could be rated OTB was game/30.

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