Originally posted by Diet CokeThe advance variation isn't that great, just more common. In fact the Tarrasch Variation (that's what he posted) is still played more at top levels than the advance, last time i checked. Of course, neither is played as much as 3.Nc3. Nd2 isn't the best move but it isn't completely stupid.
That's because Nd2 is a stupid move.
Lose like a man, play e5 straight off yah wuss!
5. f4 c5
6. c3 Nc6
7. Ndf3 Qb6
8. g3
3...c5 is more usual.
3...c5 is more common now, but i bet 3...Nf6 still pops up pretty frequently, it is the line John Watson recomended in the first and second editions of Play The French, excellent books which many French players think quite highly of. The third edition recomends 3...c5, because the old move is too steeped in theory at this point, but I bet it still gets played a lot.
Originally posted by kmac27You can find a ton of historical and more recent master level games using this opening here:
who has games where white won in this variaiton. just looking i can't find many good games online where white wins and can't find any in my book that are any help to me just says how white can take advantage if black makes obvious mistaks. thanks.
Notice that the move 3...Nf3 is common enough that it has it's own ECO code.
Here are some games where Kasparov played as white and won (of course):
They are all simul games, so Kasparov isn't complicating things as ridiculously as he might if he were playing them one at a time, he still plays brilliantly though. Maybe these will inspire you the next time you encounter this opening.
Originally posted by kmac27I like the Tarrasch vs the French for that exact reason, gives white an easy way to keep a small edge. Plus it tends to take some French players off guard (at least in my limited experience).
thanks guys. the tarrasch is an opening which white tries to keep an upper hand with his position. i dont like Nc3 because of when the bishop trades the knight making it doubled pawns i just dont like the position. but these games helped.
Game 1574573
Game 1619970
Game 1920226
You should also checkout
Go to games explorer, enter the moves and hit search.
Originally posted by RahimKYeah, yeah.
Game 1574573
Game 1619970
Game 1920226
You should also checkout
Go to games explorer, enter the moves and hit search.
I'd kick your ass.😵
thanks for the games rahim i dont have problems with those variations but nice games by the way. i play games where black pushes the g pawn and never really goes for f5 to break open the game for black its just an all out play on the queenside also they dont trade off c pawns and they just try to bring up pawns in the game. heres an example game i should have won but threw it away. besides their queen moves how could i have combated this game?
it wont let me put a link into the game due to something my computers being retarted sry but heres the game id
Originally posted by kmac27He never played f5 or f6, but he did trade the c pawn off. All those extra pawn moves weren't very good, he wasted a lot of time.
thanks for the games rahim i dont have problems with those variations but nice games by the way. i play games where black pushes the g pawn and never really goes for f5 to break open the game for black its just an all out play on the queenside also they dont trade off c pawns and they just try to bring up pawns in the game. heres an example game i should have ...[text shortened]... into the game due to something my computers being retarted sry but heres the game id
The kind of French Defense he was playing wasn't very good. I think your real problem was not doing anything with the extra time you had or making anything of your lead in development early on, and then later, just that he always seemed to have you on the defensive, you never really got an attack on him.
Here is the link for you.
Game 3199675
On move 8, I would have taken his bishop instead of letting him take yours, same end result but you'd have left his knight stranded and worthless in the corner, instead of letting it develop nicely to somewhere more useful.
On move 11 and 12, anything more ambitious, maybe Ng6 to induce him to advance a pawn over there and further weaken his kingside, you could have then made one of those pawns a target. But some sort of threat or attack instead of quiet development might have been better.
On move 13 you should have taken with the c pawn instead of the knight, to keep the pawns in the center strong and keep things locked down.
Originally posted by Diet Cokethe adv ance sucks, i recommend the exchange as white...
That's because Nd2 is a stupid move.
Lose like a man, play e5 straight off yah wuss!
5. f4 c5
6. c3 Nc6
7. Ndf3 Qb6
8. g3
3...c5 is more usual.
symmetrical variations always favor white...
and it gets the hardcore french players out of their hard studied theory immediately...