Only Chess
02 Apr 09
In a retrograde puzzle, the focus is on the history of the game. There is a wide variety of possible stipulations. Some common ones are "Is the position legal?", "What was the last move(s)?", "Can White castle?" etc.
Is the player of the white pieces sitting at the top or bottom of the board?
Originally posted by SwissGambitI must say I find these puzzles odd and difficult LOL
Yes, that's right.
Here's another one:
[fen]k7/2K5/8/8/8/8/7P/6B1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
White has the move, and is playing up the board.
What were the last 2 moves?
Ok,only explanation I can find is Black played a piece to c7 and White captured it.Or is that considered only 1 move?