It was actually the 100th annual finals this year, so they celebrated by giving everyone a piece of wood.
There's also the Open team trophy, which is quite spectacular:
The winning team can't take it with them though, just have their picture taken with it.
I was told by one of the team that it's reported as being worth £70K....
Anyway, I now list for you the winners of each section, in a completely unbiased fashion:
Under180 - Essex
Under160 - Middlesex
Under140 - THE MIGHTY YORKSHIRE!!! 😀 😀
Under120 - Essex
Under100 - Staffordshire
I was part of the Under140 team, which consisted of 16 boards.
Our opponents were Worcestershire.
They put me on board 5.
We drew White on even boards, which meant I had Black.
I played their team captain, nice chap, he was rated 135.
Here's the game with some analysis:
For those interested, you can find all the results via this URL:
Click on one of the county names and you should then see all the board results.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share this with everyone here, particularly the folks from the UK.
If you are from a county that won something, then congrats!
If you're from Yorkshire, then DOUBLE CONGRATS!!!
An awesome finish, another notch for Philidor!
Pity we didn't know we were there, could have had a natter 🙂
Will you be playing in Telford this weekend?
@64squaresofpain Thanks, it's not a perfect game, I didn't really intend to lose the d-pawn but thankfully my opponent returned the blunder with ..Nb5.
I have a friend who wants to play but i have to go to London so won't be there unfortunately. I would be up for it normally. I was playing 4NCL this season but have withdrawn from this coming season. One game a day means too much waiting around between games for my liking. Plus my results stink as well so it wasn't a hard decision. 🙂
EDIT: Will you be playing the Bury St.Edmunds congress? It's a top tournament, well worth a visit.
It's funny, I was playing 4NCL too but it was the division 3 north...
I played in the Manx Liberty team, following a personal invitation from IM Dietmar Kolbus!
As for Bury St Edmunds... it looks like it is 25th-27th October, which regrettably clashes with Scarborough Congress.
I'll keep an eye out for a good southern tournament I can enter...