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en passant

en passant

Only Chess


i write as someone who generally plays at about 1100 at the chess site i play at ( not here ).

i have noticed over the years, at the low level i do play at, how little en passant is played. many times i have noted that the other player had such an opportunity and failed to use it.

i play it just because i can and i wish to invoke a surprise since i figure the other player would have no idea that it could be present as a play opportunity.

in passing i wish to say "en passant".


HI mister-moggy,

If you like En Passant then your will love this. Eight of them in one game.



It's the opponent who claims En Passant on the capture.



Also, En Passant may lead to dangerous consequence's which may mitigate an out right refusal to perform the manoeuvre.

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