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End game problem for beginners only...

End game problem for beginners only...

Only Chess

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White to move and mate in six...good luck!

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I'd be interested to see all possible variations 🙂

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
I'd be interested to see all possible variations 🙂
I'd love to post 'em all, but time, unfortunately, does not permit.

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Originally posted by TheBloop
White to move and mate in six...good luck!

[fen]K1k5/P1Pp4/1p1P4/8/p7/P2P4/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
let me give you a start, how about 1. d4!!

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Isn't this the only possible combination?

1. d4 b5 2. d5 b4 3. axb4 a3 4. b5 a2 5. b6 a1=Q 6. b7#

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Originally posted by lausey

Isn't this the only possible combination?

1. d4 b5 2. d5 b4 3. axb4 a3 4. b5 a2 5. b6 a1=Q 6. b7#
no!! really??

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Originally posted by schakuhr
no!! really??
not quite. There are four variations.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
not quite. There are four variations.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
not quite. There are four variations.
that's quite obvious. 😛

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Originally posted by TheBloop
White to move and mate in six...good luck!

[fen]K1k5/P1Pp4/1p1P4/8/p7/P2P4/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
You left out the main point of the problem!

The stipulation should be "White to play - what result?" since there can be no other result, even if White does not want to win.

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I want know, how to change the king and tower the place?
Sorry, i don't remember the name of this move.
Somebody can help me?

Tank you!

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
You left out the main point of the problem!

The stipulation should be "White to play - what result?" since there can be no other result, even if White does not want to win.
there are 4 main variations:
1 resignation by white
2 draw offer
3 timeout
4 mating combination.

and 4 subvariations of option four where black promotes with N, R, B or Q

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Originally posted by flexmore
there are 4 main variations:
1 resignation by white
2 draw offer
3 timeout
4 mating combination.

and 4 subvariations of option four where black promotes with N, R, B or Q
2 and 3 are the same if the game is played by FIDE rules; White can't lose on time because he can't get checkmated even with the worst possible play.

But in the case of a chess problem, arbitrary human actions such as draw offers and resignation shouldn't even be considered. Under problem conventions, there is only one possible result.

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Originally posted by flexmore
there are 4 main variations:
1 resignation by white
2 draw offer
3 timeout
4 mating combination.

and 4 subvariations of option four where black promotes with N, R, B or Q
lol. This puzzle could be renamed to:"white checkmates in 6 if he/she plays".

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