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Endgame escape

Endgame escape

Only Chess

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Composer unknown

White to play and win

White's down material and the f6 pawn is stopped in its tracks and about to be eaten. Is it time to resign?

Duh, of course not, it would not be much of a puzzle!

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Hi BigDogg,

I'm currently watching a TV program about your home town. You had a massive train
in the park, it has been restored and is now up and running.

The problem/study

1. Nh6+ Ke6 2. f7 Rg1 3. Ke2 and the h2 pawn is stopping Ng3+ and Rf1. Looks winning.

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@greenpawn34 said
Hi BigDogg,

The problem/study
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If 1...Rxh6, then what?

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Ahhh....soon off to the see Hibs v Manchester United in a friendly. I'll give it a good look
when we get back. I am not going to sit there looking at a pocket set during a Hibs game.

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Got back from football ages ago. (Hibs 1 - Man Utd 0) actually took my pocket set
and did look at the position. I had the picture taken as a potential gag to kick-off
(pun intended) the next blog. (it will).

Wow! That 1.Nh6+ Rxh6 line hides some good stuff including a more active use
of the h2 pawn (which I knew was important.) A neat stalemate try and a silly looking
under promotion based on the colour of the h8 square. Try it.
Who composed this B.D.

1.Nh6+ Rxh6 2.f7 take it from there.


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