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Endgame lesson

Endgame lesson

Only Chess

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Here's an interesting one in a tight endgame - R + 3 P vs R + 2 P. Black to move. Should Black play c1, pick up the f2 pawn and the win? What is White's best defence? Also from an actual game.

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Originally posted by buffalobill
Here's an interesting one in a tight endgame - R + 3 P vs R + 2 P. Black to move. Should Black play c1, pick up the f2 pawn and the win? What is White's best defence? Also from an actual game.

[fen]8/4R3/8/2r2kp1/7p/5p1P/5P2/6K1 b - - 0 1[/fen]
It seems to me that following the line you have suggested, white can at least draw through Rf7 followed by Rxf3.

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It seems to be a simple draw for white. Well, I haven't analyzed the position, but the white rook is well posted.
The position has all the features you can find in an elementary rook ending. No need to guess too much here.
In spite of it, may be some tactical hidden details to care of.
Veredict: draw.

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Rc1+ Kh2 Rf1??

Rf1+ allows a stalemate defence....

so...the solution after Rf1 is. Re5+ (kxe5 stalemate) Kf6 Re6+....etc, etc, etc

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