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Englund Gambit

Englund Gambit

Only Chess

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This opening has another name, but I can't think of it...
1. d4 e5 is the Englund Gambit

e4 turns it into a center counter opening, but I don't want to discuss that
2. dxe5 Nc6
3. Nf3 Qe7

and here I thought Bf4 was good, though bringing the queen up to d5 also looks fun

so I go with Bf4

4. Bf4 Qb4+
5. Bd2 Qxb2
6. Nc3 Bb4
7. Rb1 Qa3
8. Rb3 Qa5
9. a3 Bxa3

ok, I played this line as white against another player on this site (the game played elsewhere) thinking that after Bxa3 Nb5 was good...
but he brings the bishop back to b4 and I'm left sayin' well dang!
now can someone help me out here?
where did I make my mistake?
what's the best you all can provide against this seemingly preposterous line?

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Just checkmate him as punishment for playing such a bad opening.

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10.Rxa3! Qxa3
and now
11.Nb5 (intending Nxc7+)
and White is winning

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I agree with Siskin...just take the bishop with rook and you are still winning after the knight's fork.

Here's my game vs the Englund...heh it was my first game on RHP: Game 4007081

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