Quite handy to know this, it could gain you valuable seconds on the clock.
Your opponent might think they have been disconnected.
In this this OTB position, Reefschlaeger -v- Fahnenschmidt, Germany 1987.
White has just played 23. f4+ and if it had been on the blitz site
then it would be checkmate. Instead White went onto to lose this.
Originally posted by atticus2by simply playing 😉 see Thread 115490
How on earth did he manage to discover the bug?
Originally posted by Fat LadyI just know these things. 😉
How on earth did you manage to find that game?
Here is Maklari - Kocsis, Karacsony Cup Debrecen, 1998.
Black has just played 26...e7-e5+ and the if it was not for the accursed
en passant rule it would be checkmate. after 27.dxe6 Black resigned.