I looked up a couple of videos explaining the Evans Gambit. They made it seem pretty darn venerable, with insane attacking chances and threatening replies to almost anything black does. Did it only seem that way because I was watching GMs go through variations? Would you recommend it for a 1400-1500 player?
The gambit is great fun, but basically it is unsound, doubly so in inexpert hands. These days it is rarely tried at the very highest level, although there have been exceptions (Morozevich-Adams, 2001, 0-1 is an example). Nigel Short has been playing it for years too, with mixed results. White, if well-prepared, can risk it against a stronger opponent with some chance of success. But mainly Black will prevail.
Down in the real world, at club level and lower, I think White has an obligation to play it! The gambit leads to crackling play, honestly testing both White's tactical creativity and Black's defensive reilience in cut-n-thrust chess. If Black has avoided the Two Knights by playing the wimpish 3...Bc5, he deserves nothing better than to have 4. b4 thrown in his face!
Aux armes, citroyens!