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Exchange Lopez,5.0-0,Qf6!?

Exchange Lopez,5.0-0,Qf6!?

Only Chess


05 Jul 09
13 Jul 09
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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O Qf6!?

I prefer this over the main lines 5....,f6 and 5....,Bg4 yet it is seldom played.Why?What are it's drawbacks?
The most natural continuation seems to me 6.d4,exd4 7.Bg5 but that doesn't seem to score very well.

Here's a trap,if it can be classified as such,white fell into in the one game I have used it onhere.

Position after 13 moves,white continued 14.a3,Bxc3 15.Nxc3? to avoid having his queenside pawns wrecked.Looks normal enough but black had a threat.
15....,h4 with the knight on e2 gone the bishop has no squares left!


08 Nov 08
14 Jul 09
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I have sworn off this line as it offers very little either in the lines with 5. d3 or the more active 5. d4 ed4 6. e5 Ne5 7. Qe2 of the several games played in the master's Qf6 don't do so good. (However I am playing out what was a good game in the 5. d3 line.)


05 Jul 09
14 Jul 09
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Originally posted by kuoni
I have sworn off this line as it offers very little either in the lines with 5. d3 or the more active 5. d4 ed4 6. e5 Ne5 7. Qe2 of the several games played in the master's Qf6 don't do so good. (However I am playing out what was a good game in the 5. d3 line.)
Hi Kuoni.

Do you have games with those lines here?If so,would you direct me to them,please?

In grandmaster play I see Adams and Beliavsky have used it with some success,though they do not play it often.Still,if such players use it there has to be something good about it.
I'm still looking to see if any master uses it regularly.If you know of one please let me know.


08 Nov 08
16 Jul 09
4 edits
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Winston Smith (6079):

Sorry for the delay did not notice a response in the thread.

I believe 6117789 is the current game, we are still playing this one out so please no comment. I have two others in my archives which I will try to find if you are interested.

I also have some rather extensive notes on this line though rather more coverage after 4. c3 Qf6 and 4. 0-0 Qf6

I am clearly entering my dotage...I just noticed that you inquired after the exchange var.with Qf6. Sorry. 🙄


05 Jul 09
16 Jul 09
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Originally posted by kuoni
Winston Smith (6079):

Sorry for the delay did not notice a response in the thread.

I believe 6117789 is the current game, we are still playing this one out so please no comment. I have two others in my archives which I will try to find if you are interested.

I also have some rather extensive notes on this line though rather more coverage after 4. c3 ...[text shortened]... entering my dotage...I just noticed that you inquired after the exchange var.with Qf6. Sorry. 🙄
No problem.
I see,you play 3....,Bc5 instead of 3...,a6.That's quite different,of course.I take no interest in those lines as I don't play them.
Good luck with that game.

Sorry to hear about your mental state 😉

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