Originally posted by rooktakesqueenThat is one reason why I like the idea behind teaching the endgame first. Fewer pieces on the board == less to have to learn at once.
the other day i tried to teach a friend how to play chess; has anyone else had a lot of problems trying to do this..? expaining how the pieces move is easy, but trying to explain the psychology behind a move is proving to be impossible... any ideas from anyone..?
Teach mating procedures first. Q+K vs. K, R+K vs. K.
Play games of Pawns vs. Rooks. One side has nothing but pawns, the other side has both rooks (all in the normal starting position) if the side with the pawns gets a pawn to last row and Queens, they win.
Go from there...
Originally posted by rooktakesqueenIf he just doesn't get it after plenty of explanation, then switch to Checkers; you can't cure stupidity.
the other day i tried to teach a friend how to play chess; has anyone else had a lot of problems trying to do this..? expaining how the pieces move is easy, but trying to explain the psychology behind a move is proving to be impossible... any ideas from anyone..?