Just finished the WA class championships (online) my 3/6 score in the under 1600 section was a small improvement from events of the past year. I see some progress, but it's daunting when one is competing almost exclusively against 9 year olds who have been plugged into a chess program 2 hours a day since they were 5. It's a brave new world. The good news (besides improving) is this pandemic allows me to sit at home and nurture my bruised ego without having to shake the tiny hand of a child who has has hammered my well laid plans into submission, while noticing they have to stand on their chair just to reach all the way across the chessboard. Another bright spot is the computer game analysis features on many of these chess websites - very helpful! It was a fun, fascinating, and daunting weekend.
Back to the tactics book, and on to the next online tournament in mid December. 🙂