I was wonder if people could look at this game I recently played, (on another site) and give me their analysis. Any feed back would be appreciated! Heres the game:
1. e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7.f4 h6 8.Bh4 g5 9.fxg5 hxg5 10.Bxg5 Be7 11.Bc4 b5 12.Bb3 Rg8 13.Qd2 b4 14.Nce2 Nxe4 15.Bxe7 Qxe7 16.Qe3 Bb7 17.g3 Nd7 18.O-O-O Ndc5 19.Rhf1 d5 20. Nf4 a5 21. a4 bxa3 e.p. 22.bxa3 a4 23.Ba2 Ra6 24.Rde1 Rb6 25. c4 dxc4 26.Bxc4 Nb3+ 27.Nxb3 Qxa3+ 28.Kd1 axb3
29.Qxb6 Qa1 30.Ke2 Qb2+ agreed draw
Originally posted by gambiterWhy a draw?
I was wonder if people could look at this game I recently played, (on another site) and give me their analysis. Any feed back would be appreciated! Heres the game:
1. e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7.f4 h6 8.Bh4 g5 ...[text shortened]... b3+ 27.Nxb3 Qxa3+ 28.Kd1 axb3
29.Qxb6 Qa1 30.Ke2 Qb2+ agreed draw
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4
[4.c3 Morra Gambit 4...dxc3 5.Nxc3]
5.Nc3 a6
6.Bg5 [6.Be3 e6 7.f3 b5 8.g4 h6 9.Qd2 (9.h4) ] 6...e6
7.f4 Sicilian Najdorf 7...h6
8.Bh4 g5? Poor play, with this move blacks king would normally be doomed to a harrased life. [8...Qb6 is better]
9.fxg5 hxg5
10.Bxg5 Be7?! [10...Bg7 Supports the Rook and brings the bishop to attack queenside since we can conclude white will play 0-0-0 id favor this move over Be7]
11.Bc4 [11.Nxe6!? An intresting sacrifce well worth consideration
11...fxe6 12.Qf3 Rg8 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.0-0-0 Blacks king is stranded in the center, his kingside is shattered and all his pieces apart from one bishop are on the back rank. Black now has to have a very precise defence to survive. For arguements sake lets say black slips up.
14...b5?? 15.e5 Bg5+ 16.Kb1 d5 17.Qh5+ Ke7 18.Qh7+ Kf8 19.Be2 Bf4 (19...Nd7 20.Rhf1+) 20.Rhf1 black might as well resign here] 11...b5
12.Bb3 Rg8 [12...b4 13.Nce2 Nxe4 14.Nxe6! fxe6 15.Qd4 Nxg5 16.Qxh8+ Kd7 17.Ba4+ Nc6 18.Qd4 White has attacking chances the g and h pawn pushes will give black plenty trouble later on, most likey in the form of black using pieces to blockade the pawns then white can go king hunting 18...Bb7 19.Qxb4 Rb8 20.0-0-0]
13.Qd2?! Not worth using the queen to defend the bishop, h4 also starts the pawns rolling. [13.h4]13...b4
14.Nce2 Nxe4
15.Bxe7 Qxe7
16.Qe3 [16.Qxb4?! would be a mistake Rxg2] 16...Bb7
17.g3 Nd7
18.0-0-0 Ndc5
19.Rhf1 d5
20.Nf4 a5
21.a4 bxa3
22.bxa3 a4
23.Ba2 Ra6
24.Rde1 Rb6
25.c4?? Not only is this a nasty tactical blunder the moving of the pawn cover in front of the king should be considered a big no no, even more so when half of the opposing army is close by 25...dxc4 [25...Nb3+ White gets hammered 26.Kd1 Qxa3 27.Nxb3 d4 28.Nxd4 (28.Qxd4 Rd6 29.Nd5 Bxd5 30.cxd5 Rxd5 31.Qxd5 Nc3+ 32.Kc2 Nxd5) 28...Nc3+ 29.Kd2 Rb2+ 30.Kd3 Nxa2+ 31.Nb3 Qxb3+ 32.Kd4 Qb6+ 33.Ke5 (33.Kd3 Nb4+ 34.Kc3 Rc2# ) 33...Rg5+ 34.Kf6 Qd8#]
26.Bxc4 Nb3+
27.Nxb3 Qxa3+
28.Kd1 axb3
29.Qxb6 Qa1+
30.Ke2 Qb2+
31.Kf3 Black accepting a draw here is strange since he/she has a forced win. 31...Nd2+ 32.Kf2 [32.Ke3?? Is a mistake 32...Nxc4+ 33.Kd3 Nxb6] 32...Nxc4+ 33.Re2 Qxe2+ 34.Nxe2 Nxb6 0-1
Originally posted by collemanYeah thats true, didn't see that!🙂
I was just wondering why black offered a draw in a winning position.
After 31. Kf3 (31. Kd3 or 31. Kd1 and 31. ........ Qd2++)
31. .... Nd2+
32. Kf2 (32. Ke2 or 32. Ke3 and 32. ....... Nxc4+ wins the Q)
32. .... Nxc4+
33. Re2 Qxe2+
34. Kxe2 (or Nxe2) and
34. .... Nxb6 wins
Originally posted by whitedeerwithnohornsDoesn't 11.Nxe6 lose to Bxe6, or does white have something?
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4
[4.c3 Morra Gambit 4...dxc3 5.Nxc3]
5.Nc3 a6
6.Bg5 [6.Be3 e6 7.f3 b5 8.g4 h6 9.Qd2 (9.h4) ] 6...e6
7.f4 Sicilian Najdorf 7...h6
8.Bh4 g5? Poor play, with this move blacks king would normally be doomed to a harrased life. [8...Qb6 is better]
9.fxg5 hxg5
10.Bxg5 Be7?! [10...Bg ...[text shortened]... .Kf2 [32.Ke3?? Is a mistake 32...Nxc4+ 33.Kd3 Nxb6] 32...Nxc4+ 33.Re2 Qxe2+ 34.Nxe2 Nxb6 0-1