Originally posted by tortenThe enthusiasm is deserved! This is the kind of game where even the loser has to pause and appreciate the beauty of the idea.
Yesterday I pulled of a mate I've been angling for ever since I saw the pattern.That was about 15 years ago!I finally made it!
King for a day!Favorite of the gods! 😀
Pardon the overly enthusiastic notes.
I'm playing the white side
[pgn]1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. d4 Nf6 5. Nf3 c6 {Strike 1.The desired pawn structure!At this point the mate is s ...[text shortened]... {!! black resigned.14....,bxc6 is the only move but then 15.Ba6 checkmate!}[/pgn]
Bodens Mate.
It why we play Chess, to pull off the spectacular.
The wait was well worth it. You are indeed King for the day...Walk Tall.
Some more examples from RHP including the origianl Boden's Mate.
First like you he had to chase away the Queen.
Arj14 - Nallapuh RHP 2008
fjord - sundown316 RHP 2004
meule - electricblade RHP 2006
We end with the game that gave the mate it's name.
Note it came from the Black side.
Schulder - Boden, London 1853.
Originally posted by Diophantusthats what i thought, too. suddenly action with the pawns there...one will never know, but as you said, queenside was maybe more unlikely then kingside already...
Nice. I think you did right in not playing a3 before he castled long. I will play a6 in the Modern Defence to discourage castling queenside so a3 before O-O-O might have been counterproductive.
so, 15 years? damn, is a long time...
26 Aug 11
Originally posted by tharkesh@Diophantus
thats what i thought, too. suddenly action with the pawns there...one will never know, but as you said, queenside was maybe more unlikely then kingside already...
so, 15 years? damn, is a long time...
Interesting point.I never was much good at the psychological aspect.
15 years is long,yes.But it's not so easy to get that position.
The need for the opponent to castle long already greatly diminishes the opportunities.
There are other patterns still waiting.I think that goes for most of us.
Have you ever managed Guéridon's (epaulette) mate?
or Blackburne's 3 minor pieces mate?
I haven't.Maybe those will be my next aim.
While on the subject I'll show some more common mate patterns,else greenpawn will be on my case for not being instructive enough.
corridor (back rank) mate
Anastasia's mate
Gréco's mate
a more common variation of Gréco's mate
Lucena's smothered mate (perhaps less common)
Pillsbury's mate
Lolli's mate
Anderssen's mate
The names attached to these patterns are how I learned them from 'The art of the checkmate'
Originally posted by tortenNot so much psychology really. a6 suggests you are going to be mucking about on the queenside which may give some white players cause to consider the wisdom of castling queenside. The position in the Modern with a6 is akin to Najdorf Sicilian so a queenside attack for black is definitely on the cards. The difference is black still has that c-pawn to make mischief with. Of course, any white player who likes to castle queenside when faced with a Sicilian will likely do the same anyway and you get that revolving door effect so often seen in Sicilians.
Interesting point.I never was much good at the psychological aspect.
Originally posted by tortencool, finally i can recommend posts as nss (nonsubscum)
Interesting point.I never was much good at the psychological aspect.
15 years is long,yes.But it's not so easy to get that position.
The need for the opponent to castle long already greatly diminishes the opportunities.
There are other patterns still waiting.I think that goes for most of us.
Have you ever managed Guéridon's (ep ...[text shortened]... to these patterns are how I learned them from 'The art of the checkmate'
Originally posted by tortenThat reminds me, I got to play Lolli's mate in an OTB game last year - didn't know it was called that way, but oh does it feel good 'saccing' the queen 🙂
Interesting point.I never was much good at the psychological aspect.
15 years is long,yes.But it's not so easy to get that position.
The need for the opponent to castle long already greatly diminishes the opportunities.
There are other patterns still waiting.I think that goes for most of us.
Have you ever managed Guéridon's (ep to these patterns are how I learned them from 'The art of the checkmate'
Edit: I'm black.
And 30. Qd8 Kf7 31. Be8 Kg8/f8 32. Bh5 mate.
Originally posted by davanielVery cool mate.
That reminds me, I got to play Lolli's mate in an OTB game last year - didn't know it was called that way, but oh does it feel good 'saccing' the queen 🙂
Edit: I'm black.
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. a3 d5 4. e3 c5 5. dxc5 Bxc5 6. Nf3 O-O 7. b4 Be7 8. c5 a5
9. Bb2 Ne4 10. Nbd2 f5 11. Rc1 axb4 12. axb4 Bd7 13. Ra1 Rxa1 14. Qxa1 Bf6
15. Nxe4 Bxb2 16. ...[text shortened]... /2P1p3/BP6/3QPpPq/5P1P/6RK w - - 0 31[/fen]
And 30. Qd8 Kf7 31. Be8 Kg8/f8 32. Bh5 mate.
My reign is over,you're the new KING FOR A DAY!