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Fight the stodge

Fight the stodge

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Having trouble facing the likes of the Veresov,Torre,London,Hodgson etc....

Anyone know of interesting games I can check to nick some ideas?
I like active pieceplay and don't mind giving up a pawn to achieve it,even if it results in an objectively slightly inferior position.


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Originally posted by toeternitoe
Having trouble facing the likes of the Veresov,Torre,London,Hodgson etc....

Anyone know of interesting games I can check to nick some ideas?
I like active pieceplay and don't mind giving up a pawn to achieve it,even if it results in an objectively slightly inferior position.

Sorry about the slow reply.

The Slav/Schlecter Gruenfeld formation (...d5, ...c6, and a kingside fianchetto) is a reliable response to these openings.

I remember when Ken Smith and John Hall came out with the first edition of their book on the Colle- the best line they had led to equality, and they were writing for White!

Here's a high-level game showing it against the Torre:

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Originally posted by toeternitoe
Having trouble facing the likes of the Veresov,Torre,London,Hodgson etc....

Anyone know of interesting games I can check to nick some ideas?
I like active pieceplay and don't mind giving up a pawn to achieve it,even if it results in an objectively slightly inferior position.

This sounds like a personal ad in Chess Life.
Do you also like long walks in the park? If so drop me a PM.

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Thanks Paul.Will check the game out later today when I have more time.

I like short walks in the woods or on the beach.But you're not my type,too wrinkled.Sorry.


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1 d4 e5 2 de d6 3 ed Bd6. You get active piece play and you've avoided the stodge. (I think that this is called the Von Henning-Schara Gambit.)

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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
1 d4 e5 2 de d6 3 ed Bd6. You get active piece play and you've avoided the stodge. (I think that this is called the Von Henning-Schara Gambit.)
That's the Englund gambit.Never tried it.Perhaps I should.

The Von Hennig-Schara is a variation in the QGD,Tarrasch defence.

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