My personal best with the sicillian opening feel free to comment
Game 4168577
I almost didn't get to play it because I played 10...O-O instead of ...d5! but my opponent should have played 11.f4 to prevent it but instead played h3
Originally posted by exigentskye6 is what I played but the game transposed into the sheveningen or sheveshnikov I know the line but get the names mixed up.
e6 is the best response to Bc4. Black might even be slightly preferable after a few more moves. e6 facilitates d5 and threatens to shut out the bishop while also kicking it around with a tempo.
Originally posted by exigentskyOriginally posted by kmac27
e6 is the best response to Bc4. Black might even be slightly preferable after a few more moves. e6 facilitates d5 and threatens to shut out the bishop while also kicking it around with a tempo.
Its much easier to play d5 when Bc4 is played. but good game.
i did play e6 and the game transposed in to either the sheveshnikov or the sheveningen I can't remember which is which.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexI meant that I got to play d5 in a main line formation of the sicillian. I thought about playing d5 on move 6 but had lost two games in a row to BaNaNaBoY so I didn't want to get into those complications!
I would have played d5 on move 6. Although it gets a bit messy then.