Only Chess
08 Jul 07
Originally posted by SwissGambitWhich would make one of the White knights a promoted piece...I will have to think some more to get the exact solution, though ;-)
Yes, wP is on f3.
EDIT: Nope, too many moves. Guess it is something like 1.g4 b6 2. g5 Ba6 3.g6 Bd3 4.exd3 Nf6 5.Qf3 Nh5 6.Qf6 gxf 7. g7 b5 8.c4 bxc 9. g8Q c3 10. Qg4 c2 11. Qd1 cxdB 12.Ne2 d6 13.Ng3 Bg4 14.f3 Bc8 need to cut one move though