I despise all players of the Philidor. I'm playing one of them atm. Way to punish one of these 2...d6 playing bastards. grrrr! What a travesty of a move. I see you prefer the Nxd4 line. I'm fond of the less played Qxd4 (In bullet games I like to follow-up with the entirely unsound Qa4, Qb3, Bc4).
Originally posted by ResigningSoonAfter reading Khalifman's "Opening for White According to Anand 1", I just play all the best moves. Against the ...exd4 lines, I'm just gonna castle long and beat you down. 😀
I despise all players of the Philidor. I'm playing one of them atm. Way to punish one of these 2...d6 playing bastards. grrrr! What a travesty of a move. I see you prefer the Nxd4 line. I'm fond of the less played Qxd4 (In bullet games I like to follow-up with the entirely unsound Qa4, Qb3, Bc4).
I'm not too fond of Phillidor players either. Actually 1...e5 players all around! 😀
1.d4...yuck! Why would anyone want to avoid the Sicilian from any side? If your not trying to play the Sicilian you shouldn't be playing chess! 😉 In fact, I think we could improve chess 10-fold by just starting from 1.e4 c5.
This reminds me, I've got a new opening question for my openings thread.